7 Signs The Two Of You Are Destined To Be Together ForeversteemCreated with Sketch.

in #love4 years ago (edited)

Even when you're crazy in love with someone, it can often be hard to know if he or she is "right" for you. How do you know you won't feel differently in a year? Ten years? A lifetime?
Love is essentially what makes our world go around. Love is what a lot of us stay alive for. Without the prospect of love, a lot of us would not want to go on living. Love is the driving force that binds all of humanity together, but yes, it can be a struggle to find.

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In reality, falling in love can be a bunch of different experiences. Some people have whirlwind romances, others a slow burn. Regardless, the things that make someone your forever tend to look pretty similar.
There are signals that let us know when it’s okay for us to take the next step in our relationships. Here, are signs the two of you are meant to be together.

  1. You’re always yourself around them

True love is being your 100% true self with your significant other and vice versa. Nothing is off limits, you’re never candid, and you’re not pretending to be someone else.
You’re completely yourself and totally comfortable being so. You’ve never felt like you needed to change, and on the other hand, you’ve never expected your significant other to change either. You’re both yourself and you love each other the way you perfectly are.
You don't feel like you have to edit your thoughts; you're not self-conscious or anxious.

  1. You laugh together

Laughter is one of life's simplest pleasures. You should definitely be able to crack each other up. Forever couples know how to laugh, even when things aren’t going as planned.

Knowing how to laugh at each other, at yourself, and together will keep your relationship light hearted, even when things get tough. That’s why it’s a really good sign when your relationship is always filled with joy and laughter.
Years down the road, laughter is the one thing that can make almost any situation better, so make sure the person you’re with makes you laugh.

  1. Jealousy is not an Issue

Jealousy is an often overwhelming feeling of insecurity about a potential loss or inequity in distribution of resources. The term is also used to describe a feeling associated with being possessive of another person, such as a partner or friend.

You no longer get jealous when it comes to your relationship because you’re both mature and smart enough to know your own self worth. There are no lies there, and there is absolutely no room for insecurity.
You're comfortable with them going out with their friends without you needing to always tag along. You let each other have your own lives and hobbies.

  1. You respect them.

Respect has great importance in everyday life. You’re both human beings who have dreams, principles, values, feelings, and opinions. You never try to belittle each other and you respect each other enough to allow for individual growth and development.

You also never use harsh language that you know could unnecessarily hurt each other’s feelings. We may also come to believe that, at some level, all people are worthy of respect.
We may learn that jobs and relationships become unbearable if we receive no respect in them.

  1. They make you a better person

You might not notice it at first, but your forever person will make you a better person. They make you feel smart, funny, attractive, creative and bring out the best version of yourself.
They’ll push you to go for your dreams, share bucket list experiences with you, and will always make you feel special.

Also, You encourage each other to pursue dreams and goals. You push each other to become better people.
Every relationship will have its ups and downs. No one’s perfect. But when you’re with your forever person, things will feel like they’re falling into place.

  1. They show up and always have time for you.

This might seem like a given, but you’d be amazed how many people stay in relationships where the other person doesn’t show up or have time for them.
Your forever person won’t forget about you, leave you waiting by the phone for hours, or have you questioning if they care.

Being in a relationship is more than just cute Facebook photos and gifts on your anniversary. It’s about effort and commitment.
They leave you feeling full, appreciated, and loved. They show up for you, when you need it, and when you don’t. They’re just somehow always there for you.

  1. You’re a perfect team

Perfect teams are like pertinent benchmarks. You know the stats they're capable of producing. You know the required skills and can articulate how all the players should seamlessly interact.
Teamwork makes the dream work! But in all seriousness, you’re meant to be together forever if you make the perfect team. Neither of you ever feel like you’re facing the world alone, and you put extra effort into making sure your partner has the support when they need it.
It doesn’t matter what’s going on, the two of you always have each other’s back and working together to make things work.

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