Seeing with new eyes 😍 your thoughts 😁

in #love6 years ago


Hello everyone I hope you are doing well. Thank you for stopping by to read my brief blog about discovery.

I feel as tho something inside of me has been opened up tremendously .and I just wanted to share with you all what I’m starting to see and feel.about myself and this world around me.and maybe some of you or maybe all of you are experiencing the same things.

I know myself.i know who I am. where it is that I truly come from.i know my dislikes and likes.and I know what many skills that Almighty God has blessed me with.
even though I consider myself an introvert .i love people and discovering new places.i am a very friendly person.but I do find myself having to tone down my friendly ness mainly towards men.(I don’t like giving off the wrong impression of myself.

Down below is a screen shot of how I feel sometimes 😊 👇🏽

In this world I feel that it is a wonderful thing to have an attitude of WE.not just I OR ME.because we are in this existence together.sharing is caring as they say.and when I do (HAVE)to share I do share.
weather it’s money food or even (housing sometimes 😁)I like to share.and as time goes by.i see things! So many different things that have always been there but I could not see what was in plain sight before but I do starting to see in all things and people and I’m starting to feel an unfelt happiness for my life.
i am also starting to learn discipline in myself and order Sometimes has to be followed.for example even though we want and need things in our life.they just can’t happen when we want them to happen there is order to everything and everyone.even for gods and goddesses there is order.and I have come to understand this.
I can’t always just snap my fingers and money appears there is law to everything (I hope you can understand me)I sometimes have to ask people make sure I am not rambling 😊.and with that being said.i am learning how to live more wisely.using discipline in my life.knowing that no matter where I may exist.i have to use my intelligence to live a happy life.

When I was younger I was never taught To save is imperative to save money and live responsibly .and respect those who will respect you and stay away from those who don’t.what do I mean by living responsibly ?tryto Take good care of yourself .be kind to others and respect their way of living.if you are a vegetarian don’t put down a meat eater.and if you like living a luxurious lifestyle don’t turn up your nose to someone who is a hippie and a minimalist .respect!

I love people all people.and I find myself gravitating Towards people of like minds and hearts.

I am a maker.i love to create

Don’t let the pretty face and sometimes long nails that I wear fool you.

I love camping/glam ping and fishing and such.
Living an alternative lifestyle is fun to me.but I also like luxury .and I will dress to the nines just to clean my house or even garden.that’s me.
And it’s wonderful to see others doing the life on there own terms.not what Society Has brainwashed people into believing how we have to live.

Always strive To be a better version of yourself then you were yesterday.and at your own one else’s.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog

Take care of you❤️

Athena out 👸🏽

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