in #love6 years ago

Hello beautiful people... I'm back again with another exciting session. I promised you in my Love and Forgiveness post that I was going to shed more light and discuss this particular part of the scripture about Love which is 1 Cor 13. These verses are deep so I'll only be talking about verses 4 and 5 today. Here you have it. Enjoy, Connect and be Blessed as you go through.


According to the New International Version (NIV), Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

When you say you love someone, its not just by mere words of the mouth. These three simple words I LOVE YOU have really deep meanings attached to it. When we say love is patient, it means being content to wait if necessary; not losing one's temper while waiting.
I mean, its the capacity to accept or tolerate other peoples problems/issues or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
How many people can be patient enough for everyone this way? Even within relationships that its just you and your partner. Not everyone is ready to tolerate each others this way which is very wrong and unbiblical.

Love is kind. This shows the quality of being friendly, generous, considerate, having a benevolent, courteous, generous, gentle, affectionate liberal, sympathetic, or warm-hearted nature or disposition, for and to others. This is deep enough to complete what love truly means. If everyone on earth can be so kind to one another with the way it was defined here, then, this world will be a better place to be.

Love doesn't Envy. Hmmm, in relationships, most times this envy comes up when the woman is richer than the man. When there's genuine love between them, this shouldn't be so. If we claim to love each other, we should be happy for each other and not be angry at ones success. Love doesn't boast too. Like I said about the woman being richer than the man, this is not for her to now start to parade everywhere because of who she is. No, it shouldn't be so. All of that is simply called pride, being puffed up and God Himself isn't happy with people that are like that.

I'm using examples according to relationships because love starts from the home, just like the popular saying Charity begins at Home. It is what we portray in our homes that we'll be able to show forth even to the community at large.


Love does not dishonour others. This means that love shouldn't be rude. Like if we claim to love each other, there should be some level of respect among the two parties. We should not use offensively, impolite or bad-mannered tone on each other. If we do that, then love isn't present in such atmosphere.

Love is not self-seeking, this means that it does not have concern for one's own welfare and interests before those of others. Ofcourse we know that we are meant to love our neighbours as ourselves and not more than ourselves, but this doesn't mean we should be selfish. Genuine love for ourselves actually makes you prefer others to you, especially your partner in a relationship.

If Jesus were to be selfish with His body, blood and life, then we would not be here today enjoying the Grace of God. He died for us because He loved us above Himself. That is what genuine love should be about. The Agape kind of Love. Furthermore, Love is not easily angered and or provoked. Wow, anger these days has caused many sweet homes to become damaged and non-repairable. We should know this fact that whatever we say out when angry can cause us a lifetime wound and ruin. Even the bibles says we can get angry, but we should not sin. Anger is demonic, deadly and sinful. Anyone battling with it needs serious deliverance. We should know how to caution and tame our tongue always. Love doesn't bring hate.

Lastly, love thinks no evil, nor keep records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil at all. I remember a crusade I went for and the Pastor said, those that have been using menstrual blood to cook for their husbands should come out. Hmmmmm you needed to see the crowd that ran out and I was wondering what that was meant for. If there was genuine love in those marriages, the wives wouldn't have even thought of doing such evil and disgusting things to their husbands. No matter what the reason was for, evil is evil.

Apart from that, love doesn't keep records of wrong doings, I mean never forgetting the hurt you've encountered by someone and constantly reminding such person even after several apologies. We are to forgive and forget the wrong doings of our partners and neighbours even if we were apologized to or not.


Jesus is our perfect example of love, With all the hate and punishment He encountered in life, He still decided to lay down His life for us, mere men. Who are we that God is mindful of? Common sinful men. But God in His infinite mercy showed up to fight for us. He loved us with an everlasting love and we should ever be grateful for this special gift if Love to us.

Remember this, Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for ones self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut.
Doesn’t have a swelled head.
Doesn’t force itself on others.
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle.
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others.


If you need genuine love in your life, call onto the God of love, He is willing and able to make you a new man with a life filled with Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Progress and Long-life. His arms are wide open to accept you. Call on Him today! Let Love reign in you.

Thanks for reading...
Till I come your way next time...
I remain your sugar lovey dovey @oredebby


Pushing LOVE is a good cause that I admire from you.
Don't be surprise that steemians find it comforting.
Take and run with it.
I think you own by now.
Keep on steemin'

Thank you sooooo much Pouchon

Thanks. Am impressed. indeed we need to love more. The bible says that you ca not claim you love God yet you donot love the neighbour. thanks for sharing.

Exactly, love your neighbour as yourself is the second commandment

Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

Thank you @wafrica You're amazing

Nice write up, love is a whole lot

Yea, so much about love, it can't be exhausted

Love does not have swelled head, makes me laugh sis. Nice write up. Love covers all sins.

Yes, love doesnt boast around. Thanks for commenting


This post have been upvoted and resteemed to my followers as my support to you on this community. Follow @giving-girl for more random support.

Thanks so much

My dear you just posted about the truest love anyone could ever ask for.

Yes, the love of God is all we need. Thanks


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