These Tips I Feel Will Help People Have A Long Lasting Relationship

in #love7 years ago

I am not in any way an expert when it comes to relationship matters, neither am I someone who has a good experience concerning this issue but I have some tips I have learned from experts and from people who have an upper hand concerning this issue.


To have a long lasting relationship, the first thing is that the individuals must be ready to make it work, they must be ready to put their best into it, to achieve something great and worth while.

  • They must have an effective communication skill, they must be able to listen to each other and be able to speak each others mind.

  • Harsh tones should not be used when speaking to each other, love should be included in communication skills.

  • The both parties should try to respect each other, each others feelings and opinions should greatly be taken into consideration.


  • Conflicts and issues are meant to happen, they are not in any way avoidable, but when matters arise care should be taken not to spit out hurtful words that are unforgivable and whenever there is a problem, the conflict should be resolved very fast.

  • They have to as well bear in mind that they are not from the same background and as such there will be a lot of difference in character, however, tolerance is the key to progress and the ability to easily adapt to each others view makes the relationship last longer.

  • They both need to work together as a team,become each others best friend and each others partners in every area.

  • When it comes to finance, they both have to be really transparent about this issue, this will make the relationship really last for a long time.


Forgiveness is key in a relationship

Working as a team Is something that keeps people in communication

Communication is the oil of a relationship

Life is sweet with a good relationship

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