Tips And Advice For a Happy& Lasting Wedding.

in #love3 years ago (edited)

Any marriage has its problems, which can arise at any time. The important thing is to learn to deal with them gently and before they destroy the relationship. Here are the best tips and advice for a happy and lasting marriage.
Any marriage has its problems, which can arise at any time. The important thing is to learn to deal with them gently and before they destroy the relationship. Here are the best tips and advice for a happy and lasting marriage.

Tips And Advice For a Happy& Lasting Wedding.
Table of Contents
The Secret to Having a Happy Marriage – The Best Tips And Advice.


The Secret to Having a Happy Marriage – The Best Tips And Advice.
Whether you are an older couple or newly married, there are some basic rules to follow. It is not always easy to put them into practice, but it is important to do so. If you stick to them, your marriage will be stronger and you will appreciate even more the good things of life together – pleasure, sex, confidence, affection…

Tips And Advice For a Happy& Lasting Wedding.

  1. Seek Love Balance.

As we change our inner definition or template of our male and female selves to a place of balance and self-acceptance, we are able to attract someone who is more reflective of our true counterpart. Even if we are balanced with our inner masculine reflection, if we do not like our own femininity, we would be unable to create a truly balanced relationship for ourselves.

One aspect many people do not give much thought to is that we look to our partners to reflect aspects of ourselves back to us. For example, if we are a woman, our partner is holding a place for us so we can better understand the feminine part of ourselves. If we are a male, our partner is holding a place for us to understand the masculine part of ourselves. Although this may be the opposite way most people view their relationships, how, if we were a woman, would we be better able to understand what type of woman we were unless someone could reflect it back to us as we interact with them?

Tips And Advice For a Happy& Lasting Wedding.
It is important to understand why we have drawn certain individuals into our lives. We usually have attracted others to allow ourselves the opportunity to grow and to give us more information about who we are. The idea is not to become like each other. The idea is to allow each individual to be the strongest, healthiest, most balanced individual they can possibly be. Sometimes we might forget this because we think unity is the product of conformity. Unity is the product of granting and allowing equality to uniqueness and diversity. In a balanced relationship, we do not lose our individuality — just the opposite occurs. We each become stronger reflections for each other of all that is possible for each of us. The purpose of any relationship is to allow us to be more of who we choose to be. It is like looking into a mirror and seeing another aspect of ourselves. This does not mean our relationships will be an exact 1-1 reflection of who we each are. Rather, our relationships become a reflection of what the two of us have agreed to learn and teach each other.

The best possible relationship is a balanced sharing, without dependency. Each party in a relationship has strong, natural attributes that can assist the other in their growth. If our support is aimed at creating a space for our partner or friend to grow in their own self-support, the relationship will be a happy and flourishing one. Think of it this way. Instead of constantly doling out small pieces of bread, wouldn’t it be of true, lasting benefit to teach someone how to bake their own bread? If we are in a relationship where we are giving, giving, giving, it sends out the message to our partners that we do not believe they have the ability to match or mock up their own vibrations of completeness and sufficiency. Offer support to others as long as it does not represent the idea we are taking on responsibility for them. We cannot really be responsibility for other adults. Our attempts to do this usually leads us very quickly to examine our own issues about boundaries, because taking on another person’s responsibilities brings us outside of where we prefer to be. The idea of responsibility is not to lay the blame on anyone, rather it allows us the freedom to choose what we prefer.

In a balanced relationship, each of us can still do what we prefer to do. We don’t have to change our lives just because someone else disapproves. There is no reason to attempt to be anything that we are not. Doing that only brings us more of what we are not. We will only become more uncomfortable, unhappy, unhealthy, and unsuccessful, if we keep trying to be something we are not. It is vital to express who we are, be who we are, and say what we think. We should only change our lives because we choose to, and because we are becoming more completely the real us. If we know we are functioning in true personal integrity, even if others around us don’t like it or want us to change, we continue to be who we are.

If we are doing what we enjoy and love in life, it very quickly provides us confirmation of who we really are. The idea is always to relax, have fun and be ourselves. Remember, anyone we attract into our lives by being ourselves belongs in our lives. Being of service to ourselves and others is only possible when we are complete within our own selves. If we are not fully ourselves, then the other person is not really in a relationship with the real us anyway!

Tips And Advice For a Happy& Lasting Wedding.

  1. The Need for Touch
    your best instructor is your spouse. He or She is the one you are seeking to love. She knows best what she perceives as a loving touch. This is why you must no insist on touching her in your own way and time. Learn to speak your spouse love dialects. Your spouse may find some touches irritating or uncomfortable. To insist on such touch, means you are not sensitive to her needs and that you care little about her perception of what is pleasant. Implicit love touch as the name sounds requires little time but much thought, especially if physical touch is not your primary love language. Sitting close to each other on the couch as you watch Television requires no additional time but it communicates your love loudly. Touching your spouse as you walk through the room, touching each other when you leave the house and again when you return may involve only a brief kiss or hug but will speak volumes to your spouse. Even in the moment of cries, the most important thing you can do for your partner is show love through the love language he or she understands. If her primary love language is physical touch, nothing is more important than holding her as she cries. What you say may mean little but the touch will communicate that you care.

Tips And Advice For a Happy& Lasting Wedding.
Some Principles of Physical Touch The following are some principles of physical touch you can implement.

  1. Go and sit beside your spouse as she watches television, initiate a shoulder message. Continue this for 3 minutes unless he or she stops you.

  2. While eating together, let your foot slips over and touch your spouse.

  3. As you walk to the super market, reach out and hold your spouse’s hand.

  4. Inside car with your spouse, reach over and touch your spouse.

  5. At home or in the church, always hold your spouse’s hand and pray together.

  6. Run the water in the Jacuzzi and announce to your spouse to join you. In the Jacuzzi, rub her feet gently while you look at her straight the eyes.

  7. When family and friends are visiting. In their presence, touch your spouse. A hug, placing your hands on her shoulder as you talk to him or her can earn you double emotional points.

  8. When he or she arrives at home, meet him or her and give him or her big hug and kiss.

  9. Initiate sex by giving your spouse a foot message. Continue to other parts of the body s long as it brings pleasure to your spouse.

  10. Always communicate with your spouse to know which parts of the body give her pleasure when touched.

Tips And Advice For a Happy& Lasting Wedding.

  1. Keep in mind that no one is perfect.
    Sometimes we look at people in the spotlight such as actors, politicians etc. and think wow, he/she is perfect. This can also happen with some of our peers. I am sure there are some circumstances were you wished you could have something that someone else possesses. It is a natural trait and sometimes we do it without even noticing. You know the usual comment or thought so, and so has the perfect body, she is so smart, etc. Although, this is a natural human characteristic we must ensure that it does not get out of hand.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to have great qualities that other individual’s hone. However, when you do this constantly or excessively then you might have a problem. Why? You maybe wondering, it’s simple you are wasting your time and energy. It is a useless activity. Well, you might feel a little envious, definitely not a great feeling to strive for.

When you focus on your wants and desires then you are actually taking a first step towards self improvement. Let’s face it no one is perfect! Remember, the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence. However, chances are that if you are given an opportunity to walk on someone else’s shoes; you will be able to pinpoint their flaws immediately and vice versa.

Once you focus on you and work on improving, you will lose the urge to compare yourself to others constantly but, most importantly you will feel much happier. Remember, no one is perfect and as long as you learn from your mistakes they are definitely not in vain.

Tips And Advice For a Happy& Lasting Wedding.

  1. Love Yourself First.

By loving yourself you will be open to give love to your spouse,friends,familly,kids,pets….

Here are some tips that will help you complete this task:

Understand yourself: If you want your personality to grow, you need to understand yourself, and know what makes you bloom. You may have many flaws, but you need to accept them and move on. You should understand that nobody is perfect. Yes, even the most perfect person you have met or idolised also has flaws. You are not the only one. Go ahead and stand in front of a mirror. Admire your reflection and fall in love with yourself. You might not be as important for others, but in your life story, you are the hero, and your life revolves around you.

Don’t criticise yourself: Do you belittle yourself over small things? Whenever you make any small mistake, do you get a voice inside your head telling you that you are stupid and good for nothing? If that happens a lot with you, you need to stop criticising yourself. It is important to look at your positive points instead of focusing on the negative ones.

Be positive and kind: When you start thinking positive, you become kinder towards yourself and your self love increases. With this, increases your self esteem and confidence. Kindness towards others also helps. You need to love other people. If you feel general hatred towards others, you’ll turn out to be a bitter person, and this will decrease your love towards yourself. Love others and try to help them. This will make you feel better about yourself and you’ll love yourself easily.

Acknowledge your efforts: You might not have succeeded, but at least you have made efforts. There are many people in the world who never make any efforts. If you made honest efforts about something, but were unable to succeed because of any reason, don’t let that bring you down. Making an effort is a big thing. It is not always about winning- sometimes, it’s the effort that counts.

Don’t worry: Your worries are the biggest let-downs of your life. Sometimes people don’t even make an effort because they are worried that if they fail, it will not look good. Just put your worries aside. Your worries won’t even let you prosper. If you want to taste success in your life, you need to stop worrying and make honest efforts.

Forgive yourself: We all make mistakes. You also made some mistakes. If you are holding on to your mistakes and thinking bad about yourself, you are making a huge mistake again. Everyone makes mistakes. Learn to forgive yourself. Unless and until you don’t forgive yourself, you will not be able to come out of your past and be successful. You must believe in yourself and know that whatever was done was not intentional. Also, you must convince yourself that you have learned a lesson and that mistake will not be repeated again.

Try to be spiritual: You might be an atheist, but the truth is, if you believe in a divine power, you get a hope in life. You might not agree to a religion, and you don’t really have to- it’s your choice. Just by believing that the universe takes care of things, you can let your worries go. Spirituality reduces pessimism and bitterness. If you are ever stressed out, just relax and think how big the universe is, and how unimportant we all are. Take the course of meditation. Meditation will relax your nerves and you’ll start loving yourself soon.

Be thankful: Be thankful for whatever life gives you. Not everyone gets full meals. Not everyone has access to a computer and internet… or a job… or a loving family. Just be thankful for what life has given you. This way you will appreciate the small things you have, and this will help you love yourself. You are physically fit and mentally sound. Not everyone has it- appreciate the blessings in life. Understand that you are lucky that you have all that.

Tips And Advice For a Happy& Lasting Wedding.


  1. Loyalty in Love The Big Impact
    Are you hoping to find loyalty in love? With all the horror stories you hear every day about another strong relationship coming to an end because of a betrayal, do you think loyalty in love doesn’t even exist anymore? Do you want to have a good and strong relationship, and having loyalty in love is important?

Of course it’s what everyone ultimately wants when they embark on a new relationship. They want that strong bond, deep passion and complete and utter loyalty. If you’re among the many who wish to find and foster loyalty in love, read this article to see what you can do.

Be Divine

Some women have that natural ability and knack for always looking well put together, even if they’re just rushing out for a pint of milk. Most of us, however, fall into a fashion slump at some point or another.

Tips And Advice For a Happy& Lasting Wedding.
When dating, it’s important to pull out of that slump and put the effort into looking good. Dress to attract, set your hair wild and sexy and add a touch of make up. Just make sure you don’t become overzealous and go out dressed like a harlot. You want to please his eyes and keep him motivated to getting closer, not slap him upside the head with your blatant sexuality.

Keep it Up

Sure your personality is important. He’s going to fall for a woman who is kind, funny, witty and exciting, but through all this, he still wants a woman who is pleasing to the eye. Don’t neglect your looks to the point where he’ll no longer even bother looking your way.

You don’t have to go all out all the time. Surprise him once in a while with a new outfit, sexy lingerie or a new hairstyle. This is exactly the type of thing that keeps relationships fresh and spicy.

Men's loyalty towards a woman can often shift and stray when the woman they love is constantly and consistently negative and whiny. Too often, women will start picking away at the man they supposedly love. Suddenly nothing he does is ever good enough. And instead of just stating the problem that makes her unhappy,
Show Some Respect
Men’s loyalty towards a woman can often shift and stray when the woman they love is constantly and consistently negative and whiny. Too often, women will start picking away at the man they supposedly love. Suddenly nothing he does is ever good enough. And instead of just stating the problem that makes her unhappy, she can often start to verbally attacking him, criticizing him for everything,men want to know they are loved and respected for the man they are.

The happier he is, the healthier the relationship will be and you’ll automatically have loyalty in love.

Tips And Advice For a Happy& Lasting Wedding.

  1. Communication: Listening and Loving
    1.Compliments are a wonderful way to affirm your man. Tell him all the wonderful things you love about him.

In so doing you endear him to you and most naturally cause him to open up and reciprocate concerning all the phenomenal things he is thrilled about concerning you.

2.Ask questions. Politely and gently ask your man how he is feeling, how his week is going and if there is anything on his mind he’d like to talk about. You know not because you ask not. If you want to know what’s on his mind, ask him.

3.Listen to him attentively when he does talk. Put down whatever it is you are doing and be an active listener. When your man is talking is not the time to multi-task. Show him that he is top priority and what he has to say matters and is most important to you.

Women by nature can typically dominate conversations as they speak more words per day than men. If you really want your man to open up than you must listen when he talks and not interrupt. The quickest way to get someone to shut down is to continually interrupt them every time they try to speak to you.

When you interject your thoughts and ideas when a person is speaking it says, “I already know what you are going to say. What you are saying is not important to me. Listen to what I want to talk about.”

4.Don’t offer advice. Affirm him and acknowledge his intelligence. Tell him: “I know you are wise and will do what is best.” If he wants advice let him ask for it. If you show yourself supportive and believe in him, you will be the first person he goes to when he needs to bounce ideas around before taking action.

5.Don’t criticize. When you withhold criticism and judgment you create a safe place between you and your man. Safety and security is extremely important to assure continual communication in a relationship.

You don’t have to always agree with your man, but you most certainly can listen. Let listening be a means by which you gain understanding as to his thought processes, discover his values and learn what ultimately is most important to him.

Communication is important in a relationship because it is the first way we express how we feel and what we think. Your mouth is connected to your heart. From the overflow of the heart comes the words of the mouth.

Happy Wedding to everyone
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