The Master's wisdom # 11 – How to know if we are in the right relationship

in #love7 years ago

If you need to 'work on your relationship' then the person you are with is not your ultimate lover


credit: pixabay

Psychologists and marriage counselors tell us that "relationship is something we should work hard on". That if we want to be happy with our spouse then we need to break the routine, to keep the finger on the pulse, and as a rule to always be alert, and put effort into our love life.

Not really.

Such convention is coming from the old world, the rational mind which is trained so well to find what is not working and then to come up with methods and systems and ways to fix it.

When you are ready you will meet someone who is ready too, and you two will have a relationship that is harmonious, flowing, balanced; in one word – appropriate. It will "work out" itself, naturally, not because you will need to "work on it", but because who you two are!

So what to do if you find yourself in a troubling relationship, one that is full of drama, or boredom? Keep on doing your inner work on yourself. It's not a work, it's allowing your spiritual growth, the change that naturally happens. And when you change one of two will happen: your spouse will change too, naturally and effortlessly, or you two will no longer fit each other and separate in your own ways.

This is how the universe works. In an effortless way to create happiness to all its beloved creatures.

Human beings are created with a hunger to live in a right relationship with God. Until we experience this relationship there is always a spiritual hunger that is unsatisfied. When we come into a right relationship with God we find the purpose and meaning of our lives.

I'll have to disagree
Why is the divorce rate more in Western countries if there are mostly love marriages, then what happens.Because they are not willing to work for their love when the going gets difficult.
It's not always going to be passionate like the first day or the first month or even year, there comes a point when we'll have to work for it.

People get married too early with the wrong expectations. They think their spouse will be their savor and when that doesn't happen they look for another savor instead of changing their expectations.

Agreed, but that's one cause.
I still hink we need to give each other a chance, there are times things won't click perfectly, that's the time you need to hold on. But we're living in completely different worlds and have different ways to live life.

Once in a relationship harmony should not need to be created, it should just exist naturally between the partners. Thats what one defenition of a true relationship can be... The love is not created it just happens and wait your life to see that happen, just don't fall into relationship with an idea that love will be created.

You're completely opposing your culture, mate :)

all this leads me to think that I've never been in the right relationship, I've always had to work hard to keep the magic going... so that must come out on its own? At my age, I doubt I'll get that harmony.

You have always been in the right relstiondhips because all of them have led you to this point. So the question now is,

now that you know differently what are you going to do? What are you going to choose?

The first thing is to read more of his blog, there are surely more tools, thank you

When there is unconditional trust, the relationship is not only right but PERFECT.
And when both persons are consenting to put gigantic efforts to prevail each and every problem no matter what circumstances occurs.

Someone working in a relationship that can be said a good relationship still in the opinion of those around me it is not good to relate if a woman is working as well, because it can be the same there will be events that are not in want that is broken in our relationship and berakibal fatal, and that's a lot going on in our lives.

The wedding is a full responsibility for maintaining harmony in the relation mutually understand each other, and a couple that are not easily bored is a genuine love mate.

Absolutely.. Um with a belief that if one is prepared in his love life, he will get a partner who is ready too...if there is no love, then both the partners contribute to their situation which they are having in their love life.. I mean Both.. Not only one..

When relationship will enhance our life, not complicated our life , in this time the relationship is right for us..

Your relationship should not definitely be hard to work on. It’s shouldnt be you job. Your job is 8-4 only. And I love your point when you say “if he works on his issues, she will do the same”. You should be in relationship with person who makes you feel safe, who cares for you. There are always ups and downs, let’s admit it. Who can’t get through these ups and downs should definitely start working on himself.

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