Serial novels: a cigarette half dessert (7)

in #love6 years ago

Cheng Lei has not been connected to Lin Qiao for a week.

In the meantime, Lin Qiao seemed unable to think of his appearance.

During the period, she hesitated whether she wanted to send a text message to try it, but she gave up the idea when she thought about it.

Occasionally she felt sad, but in addition to the occasional sadness, there seemed to be no other feelings.

Back from Shanghai, everything has changed.

The seemingly unchanging hometown is not as good as that of the same day. The private cars on the streets are running when they leave home, and the private cars have begun to cause congestion after they come back, and the change is always happening quietly when people are ignorant.

When people find out, they can no longer get away from it.

Because these changes have become part of their lives. No matter they are sad or happy, they have to bear their own strength and can no longer stay away from them.

Cheng Lei had sent her a short message to each other for tenth days: "what?"

Lin Qiao saw a short message and turned his mouth upwards. He replied, "go to work."

Cheng Lei's short message soon came over: "have dinner together tonight!"


And they were as good as ever.

Reconciliation seems like the past, but two people seem to have made some changes.

She found that Cheng Lei had developed a habit of texting.

How did you find it?

When people return to text messages, they seldom delete them one by one.

Perhaps save together to delete, perhaps think of a delete, perhaps not delete.

Lin Qiao belongs to the third category, and Cheng Lei has been wandering in the first two categories.

He never saw such a habit of being deleted before he finished.

From ancient times, the strength, height, and the ability to earn a living are far less than men's women can protect themselves well on the earth, which can not be attributed to their smacking sixth sense.
The sixth sense is mysterious, but how many women rely on sixth sense guidelines to discover something they do not want to discover.

However, it is seldom heard that the sixth sense has given guidance in positive matters. :)

Lin Qiao is no exception.

She wanted to ask directly, but there was no evidence, and Cheng Lei seemed to be avoiding her, deleted the text messages and looked at her from time to time.

She was like cat scratch, but she didn't want to be suspicious and unreasonable. A student has a breath of breath.

It is not very good to reflect on her face. She is a very easy person.

In the past, Cheng Lei if she saw her brick face, always asked a question, coax two.

During this period, all of us were worried about what we were doing, but we just kept silent. Cheng Lei didn't care about her mood any more.

Lin Qiao felt more trouble. She wanted to send a text message to Lu Bo to ask him. He thought he wanted to get married. He was very anxious.

So she was always bored, singing and shopping with her friends as usual, as usual in the office, smiling at all the colleagues who helped her.

When Cheng Lei had a visit to the movie after work, Lin Qiao wanted to see the baby plan, Cheng Lei said on the phone, "baby plan," the general, nothing good, or to see "Crazy Stone"! "

Lin Qiao, who was ill at heart, asked, "have you seen it?"

Cheng Lei went back to the road, "see."

I didn't see it right away. I said, "what do you want to see after introduction? Who can I see with you?"

At last, in the insistence of Lin Qiao or the "baby plan", the other people in the cinema were happy, and Lin Qiao watched the boring expression of Cheng Lei, who had seen it, and couldn't laugh at all.

Life can always be so smooth and light, like every couple.

Talk about it and find that it's time to get married. OK, see parents, install houses, get engaged, order banquet and so on.

Or find it is not suitable, then break up, forget each other in the rivers and lakes, the pain time is long or short, after a period of time, each other is weak.

Lin Qiao feels that they are likely to become the latter.

Cheng Lei would not know how many thoughts were in his mind during these days.

She usually doesn't love a quarrel, she has something to hide in her heart, on the surface, as it is, but you must not be in a hurry. Once she has blown her hair, the last time she was at the station was light.

But he felt that Lin Qiao seemed to have seen something.

Since the help of Li Hui's move, the relationship between the two people is getting closer and closer.

It's not like it used to chat on QQ, but sometimes it's about meeting out.

Because we all know there is a Lin Qiao in the middle, which gives both sides some scruples.

Perhaps standing at once can depend on each other, but two people suddenly stand up.

Maybe to get the menu at the same time, hand in hand can be smooth to hold the chapter, Cheng Lei or suddenly withdrew his hand, leaving Li Hui a person a little embarrassed to take the menu;
Maybe when I go back to text messages in the evening, there is a person who wants to call the other side with a more intimate name, but he resists it.

This kind of dubious relationship is somewhat like Lu Bo and Lin Qiao who were in Shanghai in those days. If Lin Qiao knew, would he think of the four words of "bad news"?

If the love and hate between two people are like a flower's florescence, that's when the bud begins to bloom.

All temptations are brewing in the bud, so that the people watching it can not control the moment of expectation.

Expectation itself is a kind of ultimate temptation.

This is why the most interesting and romantic time in a relationship is not a definite relationship, but an ambiguous period when the window paper is not broken.

Lin Qiao has been very thin, belongs to the light eat not long meat type.

Coming back from Shanghai this year, Wen Yujuan found that the girl was so thin that she had to float to her feet.

For several months, except for his ruddy complexion, he still had thin arms and thin legs.

When the mother always feels that the child must be fat, she is healthy, so she is pushing Lin Qiao to see Chinese medicine.

It's a hot Sunday afternoon.

Traditional Chinese medicine clinics are crowded.

Lin Qiao paid the money, and the cashier arranged for her to come to pick up the good Chinese medicine at seven o'clock in the evening.

It's two or three hours from seven, and it's not right to go home. It's boring to sit there. Cheng Lei's house is just around the corner.

When she left the door, she called him and asked where he was.

Cheng Lei's phone has been unanswered.

Until seven, she had been almost nervous to call the cell phone, no one answered, no one answered.

Until the phone is running out of electricity, start the alarm.

When the teller was loading a bag, Cheng Lei's phone finally came. "I was in the hospital. My mother was in hospital, afraid to disturb her, and her phone to be mute. I saw your phone just now, okay? "

The words are coherent and the logic is strict.

But with many years of understanding, Lin Qiao was sensitive to a faint fluster in his voice and a strange silence on the phone.

She could not say what was wrong, and intuition made her hesitate for three seconds at this moment: "it's all right. I wanted you to take my medicine with me. Then I'll take it myself. Do your mother want to be tight, or do you want me to see her?"

Cheng Lei said in the urn of the urn, "it's okay, it's a small problem. I'll go home in two days."

With all her might, she called Cheng Lei's home again.

Yu Suqin, who answered the phone, was very angry at the phone: "Hello! "

Lin nearly dropped the phone here.

For a moment, she thought she had dialed the wrong number.

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