☄️How To Leave Your Physical Body?☄️Astral Projection.☄️

in #love7 years ago (edited)

What is Astral Projection?

  • The Practice when Your Soul Leaves Your Physical body and Travels into the Soul dimension is Called - Astral Projection.
  • It's not very easy to achieve, but with practice it's very doable.
  • Many People have documented astral projecting.
  • Some were able to see their own body from the side, leave their house and travel wherever they wanted!

What is the Difference Between Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projections?

  • When you are Lucid Dreaming, You become aware of your dreams and you are able to do whatever you want in your dream as long as you maintain the Lucid State, which is not easy!
  • When You are Astral Projecting You are awake, although your Soul leaves the Body.

How You can Astral Project?

  • I will share the easiest and the most effective way to Reach astral Projecting State.
  • Millions of People have tried this method and Hundreds of thousands have succeeded.
  • There are many books written, studies and research made on this topic.
  • This method is Called:

The Rope Method.

  • When You astral project your Soul will always be Connected to your Physical body with a White/Bluish rope.
  • That's the link between your Physical existence and a soul.
  • Best time To reach astral state is in the morning, right when you wake up!
  • Try to use the least amount of Energy possible
  • Play Deep Theta Binaural Music Something Like This:
  • Cover Your Eyes until Full Darkness
  • Let go of any Fears! Your soul cannot be harmed while in Astral State.
  • You Will not Loose Your Body, you will be attached to it no matter how Far away you go from your body.
  • Breathe Naturally don't focus on breathing
  • Don't Move Your Physical Body at all!
  • After 3-6 Minutes you will feel vibrations
  • That's your soul trying to leave but you are still holding back to your Body.
  • Start Trying to Lift your Astral arms up( Without Moving your physical arms)
  • Try to find/see the rope just above your Head.
  • Grab onto that rope with your astral body and pull Yourself out!
  • Enjoy astral Projecting, You can fly as far as you feel like as long as you maintain your Body still and maintain the State of Astral projection!

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    We do it every night without realizing it. The thing is to be aware of it.

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