When will we get to the US?esteem

in #love6 years ago

I cry when I think about what is going on in my home country. I really do love America and believe America has a special place in the world but when I here testimonies like this I wonder if there is more we could be doing.

This is Mayra's sworn testimony as she has been detained in Nogalez, Arizona with her nine year old son.


“He saw someone bound with chains and asked me whether I would be chained in the same way," she said. “He wonders when we will get to the United States. I do not tell him that we are already here. He wouldn't believe that the United States would treat us this way.”

Her story made me think about my own nine year old. What trauma it must be for him to see this. God if only this wasn't America. I pray for these kids and their families.

Thanks to @esteemapp I can share her story with you.

Please check out all these testimonies. Some of them may be exagerated but not all.


It looks like a really hot summer in the dessert southwest.

Stay cool

John 14:12

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."


This flower was a gift to our family. I don't know what kind of flower it is but I took the picture this morning and wanted to share with you.

I love you all,



The flower is beautiful. I heard on the news a week or so ago that this separating the children from their parents has stopped and they have reunited the ones previously separated.

Great @redheadpei. Somebody should have told me they were in the process of reuniting. That was a fact that would come in handy. I don't get all the news here. I hope they can all be together. That kind of thing shouldn't go on forever.

When your passage was inked unto the parchment. It was understood that EVEN Jesus did not permit an illegal immigrant to be considered that of israel nor his flock.

This type of thinking is flawed. He did not advocate open borders.

Now, should children really be detained? No

Is it controversial? Yes

Is it a talking point for politicians? Yes

Is it constitutional? No

Is foreign born individuals entering our country without invitation illegal, immoral, unethical? Yes

Yes... love often means more than a feeling but truth. Jesus did not advocate open borders but open arms to children and began to break down hostility among Jews and Samaritans and Gentiles. He did advocate keeping the law.

I see that you are a good person, and direct your heart to The Omnipresent. I'll provide a little insight.

  1. Children couldnt be punished publicly at that time, unless the Pharisee found and looked upon both parents and found them blameless (as if to say my child chooses this hateful nature).
  2. The other aspect here is, that when a child is born to a set of jewish parents on a certain day, the father redeems the child with (shekels)(flour)(dove), for a blessing from their spiritual teacher. Today, money is substituted as if some have forgotten willfully the appropiate order of offering.

I hope this sheds some light unto his teachings about children. With all this being said now, what do you think about what is written?

I guess to be honest, reading politicians commentary about doing divine bidding angers me. They are the ones knocking, they are the ones whom He answers: "Go away, you do not know me."

What Im fighting for is restoring our original freedoms which align with spiritual teachings. Thats it. Restore the balance.

Although it hurts to see suffering, it is better to side with justice then to learn in the future it was needless sacrifice.


Thanks @ihashblox. I have had some time to think about your comment. Actually I didn't post this to share my opinion as much as my reaction. Reading the testimonies of those detained just awakened me to their own personal situations and the situations our public servants must deal with every day. I was glad to hear that a lot of these families have been reunited. I was also glad that some believe crypto may help with some of our world's incongruences.

Crypto is a supremely useful tool. But I wanted and hoped to point out to you, its not the childrens fault. In a way its not the parents of those childrens fault, i personally have seen much just in Mexico. Very heart wrenching.

Reason why I wrote to you @mineopoly is not to bash you and say your wrong.. rather that your convictions are those that come from above. Some of these politicians, do and say very cowardly things like "its for the children, or I am doing divine work." But when theyre aligned with what is true the word it enables us to see them in the most true aspect(s) wolves in sheep clothing.

Please know as I said this wasnt an attack, i apologize if it felt like it where. I am all for immigrants coming here, i believe we should simplify the entire process.. but at same time am moved by the amount of empathy others possess.

Keep the faith

US immigration policy needs complete overhaul. Country was built by immigrants and sustained by wave after wave of immigrants. People yearn for freedom and they're willing to sacrifice so much and contribute so much to this country, all in the hopes of earning that freedom...and yet as a country we turn them away. We strip them of their children and banish them to places they're fleeing. We reject their energy, talent, passion, heart, labor, and persistence. We set up walls and barriers, dehumanize them, call them illegal, immoral, unethical. And for too many in this country, that's exactly the way they want. Nobody would build a wall to keep New Yorkers out of Iowa. Nobody would build a wall to keep Iowans out of New York. What makes people so different -- and undesirable -- when they come from some place outside our borders? Are people really any more deserving of our acceptance simply because they filled out the right papers before they showed up in our country?

Thank you for the questions @vdux. I really wasn't planning on posting anything today, but this woman and her son's testimony stuck in my head. I pray for them and other families.

howdy there @mineopoly! hey my vote is down to 45% so I'm recharging but wanted to show my support. God bless!

Take your time and charge up. Your comments are always welcome unconditionally. Have a great day and sleep well. :-)

thank you sir, you're the best. I was going to comment on your topic but it is so controversial I abstained this time. but I salute you for bringing it up and you did a great job of answering comments about it.

Thanks @janton. Like everybody else I have no solution but would like to hear anything people want to say.

Now that right there is what we need all sides of the argument to be like instead of trying to convince the other side without trying to understand their view point. very admirable sir mineopoly.

I wonder if there is more we could be doing.

You just wonder? not too long I hope. There is more countries could be doing but in our lifetime the only thing to do is be happy they did not just shoot them down, or send the kid to some kind of sweatshop and who knows what happens to the mother, you have authority on the border with very few of those people being actual good people I am sure.

I don't have a particularly friendly view of governments in general so maybe my opinion is a bit more gloomy but not by much. The only upside to her testimony is that her kid gets to see reality a bit sooner and hopefully knows never to trust those who have "authority" even better just look at everyone with a little bit more disgust and distrust in general just to be sure.

Thank you for the kick in the butt @penderis. I'm also happy you did find a silver lining although the kid really did learn the hard way. I couldn't help but scroll down to other cases and was pretty disgusted.

I've been out of the states for almost twenty years now. I do know about shooting down at the border. It gets to be a bloody mess as recently a defect from North Korea tried to run across the border and was shot by his own soldiers. He stayed at a hospital very close to my house. Although I cannot directly help immigrants in the US I can take a few steps to reach out to refugees in Korea.

I'm not sure how much governments or "authorities" can do. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this matter. I will do more than wonder. I was taught to "think globally" and "act locally"... this is a good opportunity to do so.

i thought people are chained only in places like north korea. from what i've been seeing america doesn't really have freedom anymore. actually no country does. the governments have grown too big and too powerful.
it's almost a cliche at this point, but i think cryptocurrency has the potential to change all that. or we're fucked.

Thanks @roundbeargames. I don't want to condemn America or any country. I just haven't read anything this bad in the homeland since world war two. We are the people. We have a voice and I actually just wanted to encourage people to read the testimonies of those who were detained. You have a lot of followers from Latin America. They are interested in crypto and may provide a stable life for them in their own country. Nobody really wants to leave their own country and the people they love and traditions they have set up for years but difficulties in their home countries force them to move. This seems to be only the beginning. I never thought of how crypto could help this situation but now I see that in countries like Venezuela a transparent crypto could help a lot in reduction of corruption.

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