Sleep walking child's real story.

in #love7 years ago (edited)

Hello Namaste hola friends,

Today I am going to write about a real story
of tiny my family. Recently my friend @kafkanarchy 84 wrote in his blog that his son is suffering from sleep walking problem. So I decided to share my personal experiences about this problem.


My younger son rajiv

Let me tell you about my family. I have two sons named Rahul and Rajiv. Both are quite intelligent from childhood. But friend My younger son Rajiv had suffered the sleepwalking problems in his childhood.

I had discovered his problem, when he was in breast feeding age. So far as I remember, one evening he was in his deep sleep, suddenly he got up from the bed and began to run crying momy! Momy! here and there. He was seaching me, here and there but I was there with him but he didn't recognize me at that time.


At first time ,I thought that he may dreamt something bad in his dreams, but you know friends, this type of situation occured frequently. The problems was so seviour that, often we were concious when ever he was in sleep. Because he was very small child at that time, and may not hurt any where. Even some time he cicked the wall or furniture what ever he get in his way. Hehad. become very violent at that time.

Some how I had to managed the situation. I had to hug him tightly, let him know that, I am his mom, with him, I had to give him to touch my body, breast.... Whenever he came to normal, he forgot everything.After that he had asked me" mom what happened ?"like that.

Fortunately ,my brother is a doctor,(He is now serving as deputy suprintend in Tezpur Medical college) so I had discussed everything with him. He had suggested me that when ever children are in deep sleep, (not all children ) if they get any disturbances they behave like sleepwalking or crying etc. He had advised me to remain conscious ,whenever my son was in sleep.

Friends, I want to mention you that my son frequently behaved like that when ever he sleeps in day time or evening time not in the night, when I was with him .But gradually as he grows younger all these problems diminish gradually. Now from last 3year he has not been doing all this behavior.

So ,all these are the story. You know friend he is now 16+ and quiet healthy.Even I had never feed him any medicine for it. I am proudly telling you that he is completely healthy and happy, not a single medicine I had ever feed him, except ones when he was suffering from fever, I feed him paracetamol syrup. Now he has joined exercise classes and also dance classes. Friends he is now in the mids of you, as, rvwolf. If you want to know more about him you can go through his post.

Friends if you want, I will definitely produce his dancing video some day.This is a real story about my sons childhood behavior. I asked my friend kafkanarchy to take all these behaviors of children as easy. Though I am not a doctor, but I expressed all this things from my personal experience. If problems becomes very serious, of course we should take suggestions from specialists.


Images....from my son's vivo smart phone.

Love you all friends. Good health and happiness to all. If you like my post please don't forget to upvote follow and resteem it so that everyone should get to read it. Namaste, Jay Hind.


It's good to hear that your son is fine now. If you read the books related to re-birth, this type of behavior occurs because of some memories of the past life, not erased fully, and after taking birth, it gradually diminishes as the child grows to adolescence.
I believe in re-birth, what we call 'punarjanma'. It's my pleasure reading the books or articles related to such things. I've heard that some children even recognize their former family members with names, even their former homes etc. It's really strange.!!. In most of the cases the memories of past life gets erased at the foetus level itself, but very rarely a small portion of it remains unerased, sometimes. Really it's strange to know such things..!!!

From your message, my interest increase, please friend tell me the name of the books I want to read. I had never thought about it, may be you are right. Please reply, wish you a very good day friend.

i am glad that he has not any problem now.

Sick motorbike pal :-P

Very interesting. I didn't know that this could be such a problem. I am glad that he is better and blessing for you and your wonderful family ;)))

Thanks dear, this is my story, but he is quite okay and healthy enough. He is doing his dance practice, I will provide you the video some day.have a great day friend.

My son had similar violent episodes of night terrors. It was very disturbing. He seems to have grown out of it, though, for the most part.

You know friend, I got inspiration from your friend kafkaranchy, as his son is suffering from sleepwalking problem ,so I have decided to post this because I am the sufferer of the situation. So Friend we should handle them with love and care.please friend resteem it if you don't mind, I want to tell you that the purpose of the post is not only earning reward,but also to aware people about it. Thanks for the valuable supports and appreciation, have a great day friend.

Very interesting @maya7. Thank you for sharing!

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Its great if you share my thoughts to others. I will definitely upvote your post. Thanks.

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