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RE: Buy Your Lady a Book For Valentine's Day. Or buy her nothing ... and suffer

in #love8 months ago

Oh, I love living in a small town--I wouldn't move to the city for anything. As for dispatching, it's certainly acceptable work--but I would call it pretty demanding, if not physically. There's a huge amount of stress. Writing is one of the ways I relax after a shift!

We have plenty of ghost stories around here, although I'm sure not as many as in Europe. The way I see it, a ghost could pop up the day after a death--if he wanted to. We've had all sorts of tragedies, including a man buried in the town cemetery who was murdered in his home by thieves. If there's anyone who stuck around looking for revenge ...

150 years ago the area was overrun with various criminals--we were the west at the time, after all, and there were plenty of swamps and forests to hide out in. Eventually a group of "Regulators" tracked down and hung one of their leaders, who I'd imagine is also still around. Lots of stories.

I'll check out Hive, but it'll half to wait until after my book deadline has been met--I've got a lot to do in the next few months. Hopefully I can have it done before the weather gets better and I'd rather be outside.


Yes, I think soon people will concider themself lucky if they can get away from such cities. The videos from Philadelphia look much like scenes from a dystopian SF movie already. Unbelievable that the authorities dont step into action over this.

Sure, in theory ghosts dont have to be old, I guess. But it somehow looks better, dont you think? Also together with the location. A ghost in a medival castle is somehow more impressive than one in a normal modern house. Or imagine count Dracula living in a appartment, next to neighbours who are noisy all day. How is that supposed to work... :)
But I guess 150 years is basically enough for a legit ghost. Though, I dont know if bandits make good ghosts. Usually ghosts are somehow innocent victims of some awful crime or so. A bandit who got hung for his evil deeds is not entitled to haunt around, I think.
Well, there are still the native Americans, and their graveyards and tales.No doubt good ghost material. Wasn't the background story in the movie Poltergeist also based on that?

Yes, older ghosts have style! And older ghosts in older buildings is perfect. I'm working on a novel in which ghosts exist, but they're usually rather bland--very good people and very bad people tend to disappear right away.

By the way, my wife and I have been watching both the American and the British version of the sitcom "Ghosts"--it's interesting to see how they're similar, and different.

As for Poltergeist: "You moved the cemetery, but you left the bodies!" Yes, I do recall that Native Americans were involved. Interesting side note: There was a scene shot with an actress in a pool in which skeletons start rising around her: Unknown to her at the time, they were REAL skeletons, although I don't recall where they came from. No wonder the production is supposedly cursed.

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