Love Letter

in #love3 months ago

This was a love letter to Alice Matthew.

@ Alice - but it's creative! Never wrote a better


Early Edition from newspaper report


@ Chicago Sun

@ New York Times


Yes Alice, it’s really me – just for the case < - you know me ..<|

|A Loveletter to Alice and the Shoop Shoop song in my ear | |

Message to Craig Matthew (probably BBC)


Alice Matthew (probably kind of a BBC – MI-5 miracle)


The day when I found out how important Alice became, was in same time traumatising me. I travelled in mind through time – I thought she was not alive anymore - I became hope and lost the hope again. My feelings are comparable to Hunter S Thomson’s when only he was able to explain why he was able to report about the car race. Maybe just the adrenochrome or he was really around in a mission with a photographer from US ARMY at least he imagined it during the time he met the photographer first time.


Let’s get back to my story, a story about feelings for the phantom of Berlin a friend by night because she never smashed my face, also when she was planning that. Very in the beginning of my time in Berlin I got the mind impressions Alice wanted to smash my head with a exactly planned side kick directly timed to the backside of my head during sitting at a bench in Tempelhofer Feld.

I got visions from Gary Hobson, his blind friend with stick and dog and about Chuck Fishman. Sometimes I wish Alice would be one time the delivered person from the Early Edition from Chicago Sun – if that newspaper in a Early Edition really exists – please mind it is only authentic if a amber coloured cat is serving it. Maybe Alice has the chance to own a ‘joke newsletter’ of the year 2090 with a love letter of the man which will visit very soon a concert of her – if life stays easy and Alice healthy.

2009 / 2012 in between is probably the first touch I had with Alice or we were closer to each other as we were able to think about. In December 2011 at the Puerto del Sol, just few days later than the Hotel Madrid closed it’s doors forever, also for illegal house squatters from around the world leaded by a left Spanish group which was close to the occupy movement. I saw a group of street actors which held a dance in the near of the spring close to the underground. I had a chat with two of them and was looking to the group, memories are coming back to the day out of the night, but I am not sure if that face which I focused was Alice’s. Two weeks before, my worldwide known action, playing a travel-journalist in front of Hotel Madrid was happen.

'Mind Bridge'

I was between 08/2021 / 03/2024 in Berlin. In October 2021 I changed my behaviour in searching her to 180° and half around again. Love feelings appeared and feelings of fear and guesses I’ll never finding her alive streamed and flashed up in mind and I probably saw the black guy from her band between Frankfurter Tor and Weberstraße in Friedrichshain. But I was not sure, he looked as a good and ‘insane trained’, bodyguard 20cm taller than me but probably a nice person. Sometimes I think Alice likes muscle’s , or is it just for her own safety? Thoughts about Hugh Laurie – House MD and liver vessels started, but I had not a walking stick – but still all the feelings for Alice were still alive.

Time Mind Bridge ↓ at gate seven \

Tempelhofer Feld

Grey clouds with pink light streams and thought’s about magnesium came up and a evening with Katharina Maichle – but who the heck was that Alice - \ I was searching for and why did thought’s about grinded copper appear? Cloudy memories full of fogs – and smells comparable to honey melons and citrus fruits came closer to earth, to a earth in a universum with immense energy and ways in it’s possibilities.

'' -> \ the feeling of love and a laugh from Alice in Samariterstraße together with a band member which name I could not figure out until today, today March, 6th in 2024.

It was cold when I met Georg in 2021 first time, in same breath I found out what a real Amnesia is able to do if you fire it up and soak it with a glass bong in to your lungs.

Georg is natively coming from Baden Württemberg and acted a fired and homeless police officer and interacted as a informant which came back to business and reasons for that was a strange meeting with me and a meeting with a cheese shop owner, but I could not understand how important that topic in his curriculum vitae will become.

My cooking show went wrong but my perfume brand became popular when women found out I smell even 100 meters against the wind. Would Alice understand why I smell now already since 2 years for a meeting with her, would she grab my hand to kidnap me in to her house of love, what are her desires about, what does Alice desire and what does Alice enjoy?

Will Alice understand how and why the haze of love streams through my blood or does she just not care about my feelings? When I fell in love to her and her beats, the beats of heart and soul after the first session of “Dirty Mouth” I heard on YouTube -, they just reflected a kind of hot feeling in to my mind and I found new visions in my own life.

A movie production in Sweden from 2009, the CIA / the MI5 in between us - and the MIT above us. Amazon became part of my life as also Spotify did.

In 2007/2008 I heard first time the name of Barack Obama.

Many years later ...

The breath of Joe Biden, the voice of Donald J. Trump, a nightmare only Angela is able to explain and to understand is appearing, but for god’s sake just a thought.

In 2024 mind flashes and a new reaction were setting up my stairs in to another sphere, in a sphere of outer limits, but still limited to Alice. In 2021 or was it in spring 2022? I saw Alice singing in Treptower Park, but I was not sure if it was really her absolutely awesome body and her face from which direction the sounds were coming from.

In 03/2024 I made the decision to follow a concert of Alice, but only CIA is able to imagine why Alice is disgusted from milk. Today, March 7th in 2024 - Würzburg – I am still unsure which concert I will visit. I know almost nothing about her, but world became strange when I found in 09/2021 out Alice was closer than I suspected it. The environment around me became smaller and strange people with dogs were following me, truly they were nice dogs, except one – he was biting me at a traffic light at Netto market ‘Kottbusser Damm’, near Schönleinstraße my guess is the dog did not understand I am a human being, because I smelled not as one – special about my smell was, I was smelling as three homeless people without a wash since 5 months centered in to one person.

If I would ask God something, I would ask him and Cassiopeia in same time: ‘Did Alice recognise me and what does she think about me?’ - Is Alice also reflecting a feeling which leads to me, or is it just me?

Would Alice understand my lines as a love letter or is it still to short and what would Ziv advice in that black hole of nightmares in a world destroyed as ours?

It was around October / November 2023, I met EmmiHill in a psychiatric hospital in Frankfurt (Oder), had two small chats with her and was feeling her unhappiness about her life constructions. I could feel vibes of nymphomania and smooth words out of her mouth – we were talking about her PTA studies in Eisenhüttenstadt / about her Grandfather and after I came back to Berlin when I was in Seelow - Alice became a friend at least in my mind setup, but I do not understand the why.

End 2023 / start of 2024 - Love to Alice / thoughts about Mick Jagger and his friend ‘brown solid block Marks’ were present in my mind again, also if that story leads back to 2008 which I trouble right now through my own pyramid of memories. This was the day I started to think about her mom other guesses, but it can only true – if the birth years +-5 years around 1953 are right. Buddy Holly – Piggy Sue – Miss Piggy \ but how much is from that strange guesses true?

Is Scott Bakula still able to give answers and how is the female boss which was never in love with the doctor? What did Alice mean: ‘with you traveled me through time’ - and who the heck was Peggy Sue?

Just a theory about a underground carrier started in the early – mid 70s, a marriage in 1986 and a pregnancy in 1987, but who the heck is Louise and how old is she? Sure is only the fact, she is older than Alice and probably her sister. Rock and Roll and psychedelic beats came in to the shops where most of the vinyl in the 70s and 80s were sold. Sounds of love, sounds only Meat Loaf would be able to explore by it’s own memories about past.

In early 2022 I watched the sky in Friedrichshain and was able to recognise the face of Trump smiling from far up above down to the earth reflected by a cloud. I probably just took to much from the weed which I can not categorise as cannabis, maybe a strange mix with a unknown psychedelic agonist which was leading to the receptor’s which also interact to DMT. Colour’s became much more intense and thoughts about my hippy / rainbow experience arrived next to my experience with Trumps face in the sky – the thought’s warmly appeared in my inner thinking’s.

Feelings of love, feelings of fear – feelings to become the troublemaker to get the attention / a fictional story about love and fear bounded – with the feelings only the attention can help her survive.

| But I love you - I can not forget your face and wanna know if that character is still existing. This is the reason why I wanna visit a concert.

Best regards, Matthias Kuhn

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