I refuse to suppress my feelings!

in #love7 years ago


Most of my life is spent in time trying to cover myself. Trying to become smaller. Quiet. Less sensitive. Less stubborn. Less needy. Because I do not want to be a burden.

I do not want to be too much or to get people to go far.

I wanted people to like me. I wanted them to be cared for and valuable. For so many years I have sacrificed myself for making others happy. And so many years I suffered.

But now I am tired of my suffering. I deserve more. Not because others think so, but because I exist because of that meaning.

My thoughts matter. My feelings matter. My voice matters. And with or without someone's permission or approval, I will continue to be the one I am. Even if it makes people angry. Even if they are uncomfortable. Even if they choose to leave my life.

I refuse to suppress my feelings.

I choose to take their place.

I choose to honor my feelings.

I choose to make a decision to meet my needs.

The Power of Feelings

How you feel at a time is more important than anything else, because the feelings you feel now create your life.

Your feelings are the driving force of your thoughts and words. It's important what you're feeling!

All good feelings come from love! And all negative feelings are a consequence of the lack of love.

Every nice feeling involves you in the law of love because it is the love that all good feelings spring up.

Boost the intensity of your good feelings by thinking about everything you like and love. Without stopping, list the loved things one after another. Continue until you feel superior.

The feelings you feel about everything in your life are just a reflection of what you gave yourself about what you were emitting about this thing.

Life does not happen to you - it responds to you! You yourself have chosen everything in your life and make choices by what you give, what you radiate.

The power of the good feelings you can experience is no limit, and that means that the heights your life can reach are also infinite.

All the things you love and love are looking for you! Money is looking for you. Health strives for you. Happiness strives for you.

Do not fight and try to change the circumstances of your life. Try love, radiate love through your positive feelings, and everything will come to you!

You must first radiate positive feelings. You must first be happy and radiate happiness to get everything that makes you happy! Everything you want to get in life, you must first give it!

Frequency of feelings

Everything in the universe is magnetic, and everything, including your feelings and thoughts, has an electromagnetic frequency.

Everything you feel is good or bad, determines your frequency, and like a magnet you attract people, events, and circumstances that are at the same frequency.

At any moment you can change the frequency you are at, changing your feelings. Then everything around you will be transformed because you are already at a new frequency.

If something negative happened in your life, it is up to you to change it. It's never too late because you can always change the way you feel.

Many leave their feelings on autopilot; Their emotions are just a reaction to what is happening. But these people do not realize that their feelings are the cause of what is happening to them.

To change the circumstances of your life, money, health and everything else, you have to change the way you feel!

Charges, criticism, search for guilt and complaints are forms of negativity that leads to controversy.

He dismissed his words as "terrible", "nightmare," "disgusting," and "nasty," because when you say these words they are accompanied by strong feelings.

Use more words like "superb," ​​"amazing," "amazing," "great," "wonderful."

Even only 51% of the good feelings and thoughts you emit are enough to tilt the scales of your life!

Every day is a chance for a new life. Every day you are at the point where the scales can be tilted.

And every day you can change the future - by how you feel.

Much love - Krisii


You are very brave.

Me on the contrary I am still trying to reduce the strength of my feelings, specially fo love. I suffer too much because of it.

Suffering is the way to feel world around you, to love and be loved make the living better. Do not surrender just because it has not happened

Thanks. I will keep trying, but I need to let my heart rest for a while.

Wow that was touching. I have no words to describe my feelings after reading this post. Thank you very much, this is something I needed and it has come at the right time. I give you permission ;). Thank you for this amazing post you touched my life.

las emociones te dan carácter y personalidad, no a la represión ! estoy de a cuerdo con tu post

Gracias por su opinión

u have to listen to tunnel of love by dire straits

your post is pretty touching you are very courageous thanks for sharing your feelings and keep on posting ;)

Thank you @othmanesl i love to write about LOVE

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wise words Kristii! :) Stay awesome and happy

amazing Krisii, it was wonderful to read this, it is great to know we can all feel superb! Your post came on the right moment for me, excellent timing! 😉

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