The Flower girl...Home Invasion

in #love7 years ago (edited)

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Sometime in September Kay turned 25. It was one of those birthdays you mark in the sands of time. He had achieved quite some for a man his age, and still he hungers for new heights.

Was he celebrated ? Yes
Did he get calls that made him smile? Yes
Did he feel loved? Yes
Did he eat cake? Oh !!!! Yes
Did he have Pizza? No !!!😡

The flower girl in all her coyness stood still and watched Kay have his day. Had he known she was a double agent he would have been prepared for the stunt she pulled just yesterday. Indeed she is a skilled lady armed to the teeth with LOVE
She consciously spent the day with Kay amongst friends creating alibis that would help seal her innocence into the minds of all who were present including Kay.
Heck, she even ate his birthday cake with him and got him his favorite drink on that same day.
With all she had done, Kay gave up all ideas of a secret plan from the flower girl.😨
He had nursed the feeling that she had something planned for him on that day but it's been over two weeks and she effortlessly made him believe that she had no plans.
Ladies .....why?😏

Thursday morning, October 19 to be precise , The Flower girl visits Kay before he leaves for work and asks to use his room to study since his house is quiet during the day and she needed an escape. Kay obviously😕 agrees and drops his keys with her.

10 hours later, Kay is done for the day and he heads straight to church for rehearsals unsuspecting of the Flower girls plans.
She had perfectly planted her homemade explosive in his room and left clues for him to find it and get blown apart.💥

It was obvious that she wasn't working alone because she kept calling to ask where he was and what he was doing , funny how he didn't even feel the need to suspect her and her big headed friend that quietly passed minutes of the rehearsal to her whilst keeping tabs on Kay.

8:40pm ... rehearsals are over and Kay grabs his leather bag and heads home, but first stops at a friend's place to get some soup which he'll have for dinner seeing as he had hungered all-day. The calls from the Flower Girl walked him home up until he got into the gates of his living quarters...then the silence grew louder.👀

Kay unlocks his door and hears these words...

                                   **I knew I loved you then but you'll never  know, Cause I played it cool because I was scared of letting go...I know I needed you but I never showed...I wanna stay with you till we're grey and old....**

It took some split seconds for before he realized that "James Arthur" had been told to breathe from the stereo in his house till he(Kay), gets home.

Kay puts his first foot into the room when he notices a note taped to the ground..he picks it up and immediately enters a ZOMBIE 😵state.
It was as if his contact with the paper had totally freezed his subconscious and planted a smile he couldn't take off on his face.😀


He immediately did as instructed. Whilst in his wardrobe he yet found another note with further directions.


Now at the tree...he spots his next set of instructions.



He then ran to get his towel only to find this taped on it


Being a good lad, he jumped into the bath flicked on the switch and just there by the shower was another note...


Still helplessly smiling he turned to the door and found another one.


Now at the wardrobe...he saw the final set of instructions. It was then that he discovered that the Flower girl was indeed good at what she did.



He raises the pillow and finds the Bomb with a Jumia seal. Inside laid a beautiful stainless silver band PAIDU QUARTZ wristwatch Black Turntable at least that's what the package says...

Here is what he saw.


What advice do you have for does he express his Joy and Gratitude to the Flower Girl asides saying Thank you.

Feel free to comment and share your thoughts

More on the flower girl @klynic stay tuned.


Hahahaha.. Nice one

Thanks ma'am

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