I LOVE YOU, Steemit friends!

in #love6 years ago

Free love!

I happen to have a heart overflowing with love. It’s one of the things that makes me who I am: sensitive, joyful, easily hurt, but always looking for opportunities to share my love for life with others.


Since joining Steemit, and especially since diving into the communities on Discord, I’ve connected with a surprising number of people who make my heart brighter, fuller, and more sparkly. 💖

It can be scary to love, but to love freely is a gift.

We all show affection differently, and we’ve all been hurt before. For me, to be true to myself, I have to be brave enough to love again, and again, and again. I am free with my love. I have one romantic partner, to whom I am fiercely loyal, but there are many other forms of love.


Can you love someone you’ve never met face to face?

Sure I can! I’ve read many blog posts that have made me cry, touching my soul and making me realize I’m not so alone in the world.

Love is the basis of life. As a mother, I believe it is our natural vibration.

Friendship is a wonderful expression of this purest of feelings, and I’ve made many friends here. Some friendships are deeper, some are just beginning, but these relationships are real to me because we are all interconnected.

via giphy.com

Love, love, love!

If you’re in the list below, it’s because thinking of you makes me happy.

You're a gem. You’ve made me laugh, think, and feel. You’ve welcomed me, supported me and added something special to my life.

Thank you for being you!

@ameliabartlett, @topkpop, @saffisara, @appiepearl, @d-vine, @thekittygirl, @enginewitty, @sircork, @tattoodjay, @randomwanderings, @soyrosa, @thekitchenfairy, @hazem91, @thebugiq, @esaia.mystic, @introspector, @betterbeing, @sykochica, @avesa, @coachjj, @carlgnash, @curie, @meanmommie, @davemccoy, @osm0sis, @abh12345, @ancapbarbie, @sapphic, @steampunk-penny, @brandyb, @c0ff33a, @kerlund74, @beautifulbullies, @dswigle, @deadgrlsuppastar, @shadowspub, @crisangel, @battleaxe, @techslut, @didic, @youarehope, @ladiesofsteemit, and pretty much everyone in #steemsugars and #thealliance!

I’ve definitely missed people here, so if you’re not on this list and we’ve connected, you still have my appreciation and I’m sending a hug. (If you want one. I know not everyone likes hugs, so if that’s you, that’s okay too.)

Thank you, each of you, simply for being who you are.

I hope you can feel the love!

via giphy.com

Take care of yourself. You are a gift!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

#teamcanada #steemusa #steemsugars #thealliance

the alliance


Banners by @bearone


via gihpy

What a wonderful explosion of joy on this special day, thank you so much for mentioning me - you are too kind. 😳 In such find company too, some wonderful people here making the most amazing content. Thank You.

lol! It is an explosion of joy, isn't it. ;-) I'm enthusiastic about being happy, and about those who add joy to my life. Thank you for being part of that. I really have been happier since joining Steemit, and the Alliance especially. :)

Hugs to you! It's a choice between fear and love! I choose Love. Keep spreading the goodness.


This is so true! And I'm afraid of so much, truly, but I keep choosing love. Thank you for being here!

The first photo gave me the time the hills are alive To the sound of music in my head

What a delightful post and thanks forincluding this thug amongst all the wonderful people listed 😎👍

I love the Sound of Music. :) You absolutely deserve your place here. Just thinking of you makes me smile. 💖


I to enjoyed the movie Even did a tour if where the movie was filmed a few well many years back 😎

Oh! Such gorgeous country. I watched a documentary on it. And, thanks to you, I've had the soundtrack in my head all day. lol! :)

Lol I hope it’s a sound track you like


tip! Happy Valentine's Day with love! :-)

Aw, thank you so much! I forgot you in the list too! I knew I'd forget loads of people. lol! Thank you for being you! 💖

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You are such a wonderful person my friend, like fresh air and joy that makes me smile every time
So full of life 😊🤗 just wanna Hug you!
Thank you for mentioning me and you know I love You Too 👈❤️❤️ stay just as you are.
I know the bubbly feeling of having so much love almost makes you burst 😁😁hahaha
My poor doggy doesn't have a easy life with me, kissing him to death.... Lol

lol! I hug my kids a million times a day. I'm really a fur-baby mom, but now that I have human babies they're constantly being cuddled. Thank you for the sweet words. ((hugs)) 💖

i love you too :D <3

You are so beautiful! This is pure beauty! Thanks for reaching out your arms in love~~here’s a hug right back ❤️💙💚🌈

Thank you so much, @mountainjewel. See, I knew I forgot people in that list! (It was inevitable.) HUGS!!!

Right back atcha!

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