in #love7 years ago

IMG_20180406_213308_638.JPGYou are never less than Satan himself when you exhibit virtually all his attributes. Let me focus on your tongue and ask you, how well is your tongue, Prov.18:21 “The power of life and death is in the tongue ". One major way to be like Satan is to keep gossiping around, accusing and backbiting others. Gossip is perhaps the most subtle of all sins because you will find yourself doing it before you even realize it. Rev.12:10 calls Satan the accuser of the brethren. It is been said that great minds discuss ideas,average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people. So choose the group you belong. The thief cometh to kill (Lives and Destinies), to steal (Peace and Joy) and to destroy (Relationships and Marriages). John 10:10 (paraphrased) but I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly, referring back to Prov.18:21 the thief cometh can only achieve this via the tongue and the savior can also give life through his tongue (the word of God). The truth is that you are either advancing the kingdom of God with your mouth or the opposite as we know that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, let me quote James 1:26“ if anyone thinks that he is religious but does not bridle his tongue but deceives himself, his religion is vain". We have no reason to backbiting or slander another despite the person's offences because the Bible says that “love covers multitude of sins" if you love me you won't speak evil of me despite my wrongs to you. Pray for the spirit of love so you can be able to advance Gods kingdom through your tongue.

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