in #love6 years ago (edited)

When you fall in love, you essentially become that chiseled action star who is inexplicably covered in motor oil and wearing a ripped-to-shreds wifebeater, walking away from a burning building whilst lighting a cigarette. No matter what is going on around you, you couldn’t care less. Stupid problems at work that used to nag at you in the wee hours when you were trying to finally get some sleep are now easily waved away with a laugh and a “Office politics are for people who aren’t getting laid so magnificently.”

. Everything seems possible.

Your new love talks about how the two of you should go on a vacation in Italy this summer and do that so-corny-but-so-tempting gondola thing on a canal while gazing longingly into each other’s perfect eyes. And even though the more reasonable part of your brain knows that this is absolutely not an option, you are perfectly ready to set fire to your entire checking account and quit your job for a two-week stint holding hands through Europe. You just don’t care, and everything can happen if you put in some effort and a sprinkling of that Love Magic.

. You become “that guy.”

You don’t want to be that guy. You don’t want to spend an entire three-course meal canoodling on the same side of a restaurant table and stopping every five minutes on the walk home to suck into one another’s faces like some kind of yin yang made out of tapeworms. But you will, and you know this.

. Even the worst things become charming.

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