]Make your woman Happy - Check out 6 mistakes 90% of men innocently make during Sex and how to avoid them

in #love7 years ago
  1. Men think sex starts and stops in the bedroom – the average man can just switch on his sex bulb at any time, without prior warning but the average woman needs to be mentally prepared for arousal to be complete. What this means is that women need to be encouraged, led and escorted to arousal through kissing, hugging, talking, holding hands and just having fun together. The more she feels relaxed with you, she’ll be more into having sex with you. So show love outside the bedroom first
  2. Men think women know or get exactly what they want in bed – one thing that limits the potentials of sex for many couples is that the men assume that the women already know what they want done to them in bed. Also, they assume that women do not need more than they get. So, if they intended to make a sex move that could have been mutually beneficial, then don’t, just because they think the women know or is enjoying what they have done so far. Instead, learn to suggest, ask her if she wants this or that. Or give her a blank cheque “what do you want me to do.”DOc1CErU.jpg
  3. Men think women like a sex routine – it is so wrong to approach sex with the same plan each time. It becomes boring and women don’t like boring. You must be able to bend sex to meet her moods. When she is feeling tired, you should approach it gently and when she is feeling feisty, go ballistic. You don’t have to stick to rigid plan. Observe her and do the things you see she responds to and be innovative.Screen-Shot-2017-08-23-at-6.19.23-PM.png

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