Check out this video showing what the oxytocin hug is all about!

in #love6 years ago (edited)

In this video a lady ordered the big connector hug off off of the hug happy hour menu!

Its a 20 second heart to heart hug.
When you hug someone over 20s secs oxytocin is released which is the trust hormone!

I have been giving hugs to people all round the world for the last 4 years!
On the back of my free hug sign I have a happy hour menu.
On the menu I have a bunch of hugs, activities and drinks people can order!
These are my hug happy hours:)


I'll have the 'we are in this together hug' please x nice video @inspirewithwords x

Group hug! Great choice:)

haha gotta love that oxytocin! manufactured hugs ;) hehe! i'll take a long real one, plzzzz! ps, love the song!

Oxytocin keeps the doctor away!

OOOh intersting how you have put a time on this.. because now i read this i realise that its very rare i hug people for more than 20 seconds.. and its true.. after about 5 seconds something does change in the whole experience of hugging.. suddenly were not just embracing but we enter a deep state of connection.. and i can see how that might be related to trust..

thanks for inspiring me to hug for longer! <3

Im glad you are now motivated to hug longer! It truly is special if we can hug someone for a long time:)

I´ll have one back door surprise please!

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