Show Love And Be Concerned

in #love6 years ago (edited)
Love is a beautiful thing and it cuts across several spheres of human life and endeavours. Love is as important as the air we breathe because the absence of love brings everything evil and will make life not enjoyable.

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A song writer said that love is magical but I tend to disagree with the concept. Love is not magical but practical and so real. You can't say you love a person and the person can not have any feel of your love.

Love is appreciated when it is shown

Love heals the broken and makes those that are rejected to feel accepted. Many commit suicide today, not really because of sad and ugly situations but because no one was available to show them love and concern. Many children get spoilt at an early stage in life because at times parents are too busy to show love to their children. These children find the love they need from the wrong people and whatever that person says to them becomes an accepted idea because they could feel their love and concern.

If you love me then I want to have a practical of that your love. Love is not expressed only by this common sentence I love you but by kind gestures, encouraging words to a person in a difficult situation, with your money, your food everything within you and your ability that can make a person feel loved.

The needy and the poor need to feel our love. Those motherless babies and orphans in the orphanages never wished to be there but life unfairness got to them at an early stage. Visit and show them love. Show them love so that those tears born out of happiness can flow freely. Give them reason to live and to become useful in the future. Your earnings on the steem platform can help the needy out there. Don't be so concerned about yourself but care for people around you. You eat and have left over but you never care for those who don't have. Oh how heartless you are,should I pray that your situation becomes like theirs? Show love now that you have the opportunity

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Don't show love to people because they deserve your love but because you can show love. Don't show love to people with the mindset of getting a favour from them. Show love to those who don't deserve your love because everything you do today is a seed that will definitely yield some fruit in the nearest future.

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Don't be greedy with your love

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