
Thank you, happy to hear someone liked it :)

I needed to hear this because recently I’ve been having thoughts like what you talked about. About how I think about my image and perception too much. And how the mask we put on everyday for others starts to consume. You really spoke to things i have been thinking about recently

Yeah it´s hard not to identify one self with the things we must do and put on.
If we buy a suit and feel like a new person, we identify our self with it, we let our self image be controlled by material things.
We must remember that it is a game , I bought a shirt to preform a lecture, I felt different and exited, I usually wear a sweater. The next time it felt as usual again, useless, now i bought a suit, it worked! Felt good again that lecture, but i already knew the next time i would need to dress like the pope himself to impress myself, so I simply returned the suit. Lectured in my sweater the next day and never felt better, since i knew it´s all about the perception of my self, not the cloths i have on!

Thanks for reading :)

Your funny


Yes. Your words explain your thoughts very well and speak to me personally, and I’m sure others feel this as well. I’m very impressed with your writing. Thank you so much for this blog

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