STEEM .. a self portrait ?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #love7 years ago

Who is this 'SteeM' .. i C looking at me ?

Filling my D(re-am)'S .. shaping my D(es-i-re)S
.. so MucH INspiratiON !
.. so MucH POtent'iAL !!

.. so much kindness - )))

.. a 'trust'less' .. "system" .. like 'gravity' - ))
WoW .. STEEM .. you're so BEaUtiFULL !!! - )))

i 'feel you' .. expanding 'out' .. 'in'to the unkNOWn - ))
DancinG along .. playing YOUr 'own' ... TU NE .. ha ha - )))

.. the Dr. Um BE-AT .. so INtoXicATinG !! .. mmMMMmhh ! - )

RougH and SofT .. OrganiCallY "tech" .. C(all-in)G "CREATE" !!!

hi STEEM - ))

This is my first 'art' picture .. with a logo in it .. is it still 'arty' ??
?? - ))
i wanted this 'to be'a snapshot of STEEM -))
(( a selfie ?? - ))
.. and, the logo only a .. p"art - ))
.. not just a logo 'enhancement' ?? - ))
.. ha ha - ))

Well .. here goes - ))
.. from a few different perspectives - ))

Nothing tests .. like being .. 'on the rocks' - ))
Look .. they have STEEM .. all 'side-ways' ! - )

AND ! .. if WE're talking 'side-ways' STEEM ???
.. how about that night in the sky, over OUR favorite PYRaMID ??

.. a tree, a weed, the fruit in a tree ??

.. hey STEEM .. w'HERE YOU 'going' ?? - ))

... floating 'in place' .. sure ? - ))

WeLL .. that's attempt #1 - ))
#2 .. is half d'one - ))

.. thanks STEEM ! - ))
i am having .. SO MUCH FUN "with" YOU !! - ))

SO .. ?? - ))

WhaT do you say STEEM ??
.. can you see any STEEM here ?? - ))
.. tell US why ?? - ))

.. i'd enjoy hearing it - ))
(( BE sure to leave a link .. !!
... to YOUr 'favorite' post from the past few days - ))

.. help a brother out - ))

lovelovlove )))
greb'Z )

ps .. a "HIGH .. F-i'VE" from @itchykitten - ))


I had not yet had time to comment ... It is absolutely superb !! All these areas of connections, possibilities, encounters, links ... For me it represents Steemit perfectly !!! and what about these colors so bright !! This first photo "on the rocks" !!! Wow !!! And this second, in the dark where the colors refuse to go out and shine a thousand fires! You have captured the beauty of your works in your photos to give us more possibilities and facets of Steemit !!! Really thank you for this work !! I can not wait to see number 2 !!! And I must say that I am bored of you and your writing filled with light and fun ... I have not been very present on Steemit in recent weeks and I miss the links that I gently built since the spring. I hope you are well and that you have fun along the way of your days!!! Love and big smile for you!!

ThanK YOU -))))

" .. And I must say that I am bored of you and your writing filled with light and fun"
ha ha ... you are bored with of me ? - ((
!! - )))))))))))))))))))

i haven't been around much either ( sad face )

BUT .. i'm turning it UP !!! - )))
and .. you'd better start posting !!! - )))))))))))))))
i have you on STEEM VOTER !!!
= at the 20 minute mark (( testing the correct "time" ?? - ))
... two FULL UP-votes for YOU !! - ))

ThankS so much for the enOURAGEmeNT - ))

LeT'S "ROCK" this STEEM WorlD !! - ))

lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )

oh my god! ... I can not believe that I did not notice this monumental error in the translation that was proposed to me by google translate ... :-( I am really sorry for that but happy that you have understood that I wanted to say that «i miss you» :-) <3 <3 <3 xxx And yes, I'm about to start posting, do not worry! :-) I put my daily schedule in order to make a bigger place for Steemit and blogging! I really look forward to starting to share !!! I wish you a wonderful day!

ha ha ... you're FUN !!! - )))

Isn't crazy .. how a word or two (added or subtracted) can completely change the context - ))) .. and sincerely .. i LAUGHED !!! and giggled at the idea of replying, as if your intention was somehow 'malicious' - ))) .. BUT, YOU are way to KIND !!! for me to play any of those kind of games with !! - ))

Thanks for the reply -))

i'm looking forward to your POSTS !! -))
.. and i'm happy you feel inspired to making a bit of 'daily' space for YOU & STEEM !!! .. i don't think you "FEEL" how much support you have gained with ALL of YOUr AMaZING comments and reSTEEMs !!! i'm also CERTAIN .. that within a couple of months .. YOUr momentum will have YOU smiling a VERY CONFIDENT tune !!!!!!!!!!!! - ))

hi friend .. i'm sure appreciative for ALL of our conversations !! - ))
and !!! ... i look forward to MANY MORE !!! - )))

Sending a warm and welcome HUG to that beautiful family of YOUR'S .. squeeze them tight .. for me !! .. i'm CERTAIN they have helped YOU "to be" the EXTRA-ORDINARY "YOU" .. that "YOU" are !! - ))

lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )

ps ... counting down the days until i ride the DisneY COASTERS with YOUr kiddos !!!!!!!!!!! - ))
... a play-full jump through the sprinkler on a hot summer day .. will be just as much FUN .. for me !! - ))
.. just saying - ))))))))))))

Woaaahhh. This is wonderful. I love the different shades of colors your put. It feels like an lsd trip. But a good and positive trip. :O

.. sorry friend .. not around much lately - ((

BUT .. here and NOW !! - ))

i just set-UP .. my STEEM VOTER !!! - )))
.. still experimenting with the "time" to VOTE ???
i'm testing out 20 minutes for now ?? - ))
and .. YOU are at the top of my LIST !! - ))
ha ha - )))

Although i've been away from STEEM ..
i haven't missed any of your V-id-S !! !!
.. i loved the piano playing with the little bambino !!!!
i LaugheD and SMILED .. so GOOD !!! - )))

ThanKS for your enCOURAGEmeNT !!! !!!
and .. for ALL the JOY +++ YOU B-RinG to STEEM !! - ))

lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )

Ohhhh Greb'Z!

It's ok if you're not around here, if you are still HERE AND NOW where you are! That's enough to make me happy about that.

Thanks so much my buddy, I'm honored to be on your top voting list. And knowing that you don't miss any of my vids warms my heart. You're a being of light, always sharing positivity. You should write an entire book about that, I'm sure you would have a ton of ideas to share. :)

I happy to see that you're good, but I have to say that your crazy positiveness is missing me. Steemit needs you!

Cheers my friend.


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