Perfect Day

in #love7 years ago

Hot coffee next to the bed

Baby still sleeping next to me

Craft cards with the little ones

Cards with the wife

Altered Carbon Marathon

Treats with the older ones



How was your day?

Seems like it was a great day. Mine was spent indoors dealing with unending pain but all in all I am great as we speak! :)

I know all about pain, I wish you're on the way to recovery soon.

no matter how painful everything will be beautiful in time @erodedthoughts

heheh cute valentines! my day was lovely too! :) enjoy the rest!!

Lucky to get in sushi around the kids, lol

Baby still sleeping next to me

That's so lovely 😍
My day?
It's still night here though
I'm still on my bed

Like you're pouting or your day just hasn't begun?

Pretty cool words @erodedthoughts

Haiku is pouring out of you master! :)

Sounds like an amazing day. Mine was spent with the kids (1 with flu), while my wife was working. Still another great day.

Day with kids is always a perfect day, a sick child is a day of free hugs. That is the only part of them being sick that has a bright side to it.

A sick child is also snuggling in bed, so there's another bright side :)

Indeed, turns the worse days into some of the best days.

Sushi!!! :'(
I'm starving for 13 hours :'(
Love To Your Family :)

I'm jealous!

Mine had menstrual cramps and chocolate!! Awesome, don't you think? But I still got a cute present and a strong hug to make up for it :)

More like a short poetry.... @erodedthoughts

Looks like someone had a nice Valentines Day, the cards are so cute. And did your wife bring you coffee to the bed? You're a blessed man Eroded :-)

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