Is he just behind?

in #love7 years ago


Valentines Day is coming out; Love day Meanwhile, shop shelves have filled with hearty chocolates, perfumes, cards, flowers, and all kinds of gift items. Celebrating a special day for celebrating love, especially among our Bengalis, has a lot of resemblance and views. I am not too upset about keeping or not celebrating Love Day. But I have a lot to say about our outlook on love.

As an interpreter, working for a Bengali man was the first thing that I was concerned about. Psycho Sexual Case: If a client is male, then the appointment of a female interpreter is not as comfortable for any party. Even after the interview did not go a little, he became easy enough with me, but due to the complex nature of the questions of the psychologists, my Bengali client explained them, and receiving answers from them was one of the most difficult tasks of my interpreter's life. On the patient's family history, the doctor asked, "Did your parents have a good relationship?" My client replied, "The relationship was in Balau, Mono Aye, I do not see bad kunata any day."
The question about the doctor after 'war de loving tuards one is in front of you?' I do not know how to explain it, I can stop and understand. Finally, say, 'Do not you see the love of Maya in your parents any day?' And ask the client to repent with their cheeks in both hands, 'Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah Ita khasera questions go afa? We love to laugh the stars, but do not love Maya-Baf Maya love? I do not see any day ' (Are we as brazen as them, that parents will love in front of their child?)
I explain to the physician, 'He has never seen his parents are living towards One Another. It's Considered a Matter of Shame to Display Affection in Front of Children '. (I do not want to translate the West to the question of shamelessness.) The doctors felt a little surprised; But did not comment, silently taking notes. The next question is, 'Ask Him if if he's parent is used to study or debate agre a lot.' My explanation, 'Afanar maa-baf Darbar kayzza hartani?' And my client's answer, 'Isita Kita Matowin? All the darwar darbar kyzza ai, two days later, the hypocrisy is correct. '
The next few questions were a lot more complex, about the client's own sex life. The magnet section is like this-
-Whose Your Marriage Love or Arranged?
-Maya Bapha bala khalabinin understand, wakaya bia dichein. I'm not love-oh no day Our family is not an Ita system. '
-'How old wire you have had first hand sex? '
-What's the way? Thirteen / fourteen. '
-How is it you?
-'Basat is a woman living, doing work, poor relatives. Tan Laga kilan kilan ai was going. '
During the last reply, the gentleman's throat did not shudder and he did not even read Durga 'Awwagafir Allah'. Depending on the client's personal information while working, negative opinion about him does not fall into professionalism. But our views on expressing love as a nation from this interview clearly show. We do not think of quarreling in front of children. But it is shameful to express love-love before them. As a result, our children do not grow up looking healthy-loving. Because of growing conflicts and confidentiality, ill outlook on love-related and physical relations develop among them. Parents do not talk to children about these issues. They do not learn how to cope with their physical changes during adolescence or adolescence during childhood. The result may be very dangerous, as it has been in my client's case. Having grown abnormal at a very young age, he was diagnosed with complex mental problems at an early age, which has become a cause of disrespect in his sex life. Such incidents are not rare. I have worked for two patients with this problem in the same hospital in a small suburb.
Although some changes have changed over time, relationships of healthy love between men and women are still not seen in our country nicely. A few days ago I saw a video, a mobile court in Bogra has been judging duets of seventy-two youths. Since the whole incident is being captured in the video, the boys have bowed their head to keep their identity hidden, and the girls have covered the face with a twist. The magistrate shouted throats, 'If your parents come, then leave it a little bit fine. If I do not, then I will put all in jail.
What was their crime? Murders, robberies, robbery? No, their only crime was love. In my video, watching my video, I was confused with shame, shame and disgrace for my children. It is astonished to think that the murderers roam freely in the country, police are constantly bribing the bribe, the people of Chomra get corrupt, and in the country where there is a lawful brothel, again in the country, love is seen as a major offense among young people that they Such lines are judged to stand on the lines.
Attention to the opposite sex at an early age is a very healthy and natural one. We can not expect that children will continue to suppress the feeling of attraction until the social status of marriage is created. Many of the anti-social behavior has the negative attitude towards love. In my opinion, sexually assaulted sex is one of the reasons for sexual violence against women in the streets. I have not been cleansing the women for the indecent behavior of men. But there is no way to deny that suppression makes any feeling stronger and it is more likely to be harmful.
What these unequal claims of our generation towards our generation have caused a lot of emotional pressure on them, we do not think. On the one hand we tell them not to be terrorists, but on the other, I do not love to say love. We are only confused by them. Helpless Ravi Thakur was right, love in this country is actually 'only tormenting'.


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