What are we really looking for?

in #love7 years ago

...when all interests, all desires, all wishes, all relationships, all thrillseeking, all the attention, everything we are looking for is broken down for what it truly is and all the noise has been deducted, then every human is looking for the power of life... which in essence is LOVE...

while humanity is on this everylasting search which in itself is everything and anything we can strive for, there is only one way to get there... stand still, stop thinking, stop attaching, stop judging, stop searching and saying hello to our true selves... when getting to know ourselves deeper and deeper one will recognize that there is only one way to happiness, which is loving ourselves and therefore achieving selfnessness by recognizing that all is one. Then the "search" is over and being/loving beglns. Anybody who is looking for a relationship in the outside is proned to fail until he/she has found himself/herself. You cannot give love if you don't have it in abundance within yourself and vice versa. This is a universal law. 99.9% of the relationships are not built on love but on other attributes which are mistakenly titled as love. love doesn't judge, doesn't hurt, doesn't lie, doesn't steal, isn't selfish, isn't jealous. If any one of these attributes appear in a relationship to a larger extent then one can conclude that this relationship is far from love but rather built on egoistic needs which give us a great feeling-boost which we like to call love. Nobody needs to find a person who is there to fill up the empty space because there is nothing to fill up. This empty space is love which is waiting to be recognized and loved by oneself. One should never be discouraged when walking on the inner path to love because the rewards are not measureable in relation to finding a shortlived relationship which will bring high volatility of undesired emotions.

We are LOVE at our core. We have to just cover it up. Lover never hurts, it only heals...


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