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RE: Forever held by ever-spell

in #love6 years ago

9 times out of 10 when I'm asked 'Have you seen ____ movie?' I'm forced to say no xD This case is no outlier, but I will stick the title in my database of movies that I really ought to watch sometime. I definitely do think poetry is very powerful in its own way. It can just be hard writing day after day realizing most people, at least in my culture, simply don't give a shit about what I'm doing or see much value in it whatsoever. Doesn't mean I'll stop writing, though! Thanks for the comment @abhinavmendhe :-)


In today's world, we need more poetry than ever. Of course, you shouldn't stop writing poetry. There's more meaning to poetry and art. And it is mostly in art that we find peace. And we do need peace. As for the movie, it is not a compulsion, but a mere suggestion. This poem reminded me of the movie. IMDb rated it 5 out of 10. It definitely deserved more. Listen to me when I say, keep writing, not others who say don't. :)

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I agree. The societal or financial value of a thing rarely corresponds to its actual worth. Many things are overvalued (like athletic prowess, in my opinion, along with other celebrity areas such as high-profile acting) and many go under-rewarded. However, this in itself is a blessing in disguise because dealing with fame and fortune is a terrible curse in its own right. So we poets can write freely from the shadows, with our tendrils to shift humanity over the years with the immortality of poetic veracity.

I will prioritize your recommendation over any who tell me to quit ;-) It's become to important a part of my life in the past year and a half to ever completely stop.

P.S. I enjoy the @steembasicincome project and like giving shares to people who I feel add value to the community. Gonna add you to the list, even though it's just a little thing. Consider it a token of my appreciation, which I can't always show as I'd like to because it's hard to keep up with all the comments I get, sometimes. That's why I'm here, 5 days behind on replying to posts!

I do not think of you as a person who is writing from shadows. Not at least on steemit. Of course, we all have more things to learn. Once someone gets into poetry, he/she almost always stays with it. It is too difficult to get out of. Maybe someday I will get to read one of your poetry book. Did you ever think of prose writing? Did you attempt writing a story, in a prosaic format? If so, I'd love to talk to you about it.

I'm glad you're taking my recommendation. ;-)

Also, I almost didn't see the postscript. Thank you for adding me to the list. That was, as many have spoken of you, generous. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I suppose it's all relative; I'm certainly in the shadows in comparison to movie actors, famous musicians on stage, and other celebrities. But you are right that here on Steemit I've been fortunate to acquire a significant readership over the months. I'm grateful of that support and not envious of a more "front-and-center" position because I've experienced a taste of that before as a musician in a professional touring band. It wasn't for me.

My experience writing prose is very little in comparison to all the hours I've put into poetry, but I do think I want to expand into doing it in the future. For some reason I have a mental block when it comes to writing stories with dialogue and characters, but I know I'll overcome it when the time is right. I think part of what makes it challenging is poetry is simply so enjoyable for me to write that I don't feel like anything is missing most of the time.

If I would write prose, I know it would have the capacity to affect many more people because most find it so much easier to read. Even poets often prefer reading prose because it is less cryptic and difficult to understand!

I'm glad at who you compare yourself with. That's how people get successful. I didn't know you were a musician. You must've had a great experience. Did you play an instrument or sing? I asked of prose, because I think you can do great with it. Since you are a fantastic poet. I started writing with prose, then switched to poetry. If you ever intend to write prose, let me know for sure. :)

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