In Love or In Chains

in #love8 years ago (edited)

Please focus on the fact that you are a slave. Forget your perceptions about positivity and negativity; playing with the words to make yourself feel better. We must understand the reality of our situation; see the darkness and not run away from it. If you are asleep, you must realize that you are in chains, and if you already see the chains, the work is not over. Understanding the nature of the chains, the material, gaining a great depth of knowledge about the fact that you are a slave will not gain you an inch of freedom – it will provoke desperation, complacency, and alienation. The value of your hard-earned knowledge is qualified by the degree to which it inspires you to act. You must endeavor to free yourself.

Do not ask me how. Do not ask anyone how to be free. In this you are merely assigning yourself a new master rather than empowering yourself, loving and having faith in yourself. This is what is required; a thorough detox of your dependence on other people; of teachers, leaders, gurus, and artificial authorities of all walks. Instead, trust yourself.

Nobody is enslaving you, you enslave yourself. You hand-cuffed yourself and you can release yourself at any time. We must realize this; the potential power we hold as a collective through discarding our belief in the collective. You must love yourself, we must be in love and we cannot do this until we understand our fear.

Being in love does not require the involvement of another person. It does not require any sort of dependence. Dependence represents a fear of loneliness and self-reliance. This is not being in love, this is being in dependence.

Discard your preconceptions about romantic love. This entails the bundling of dependence and lust. This thing that can only exist between two parties while the rest of us wallow “out of love” warrants a closer look. Love may exist in a box, but the box is large enough for all of us. If two people are in love, in the traditional, romantic sense, by extension they will be “out of love” if the relationship ends. This is a misunderstanding.

All things are consciousness and this is comprised of only love and fear. Think of consciousness as a building and within it there are only two rooms; you can be in one room at a time. When I speak about being “in love,” I refer to being present in that room rather than the other.

It doesn’t matter which room you were in yesterday or where you plan to be in the future. This self-constricting perception of time, “psychological time,” perpetuates fear: Fear that you are not what you used to be or that you could be better later. Forget that, you are alive right now and only right now. Which room are you in right now? We must keep our residence in mind: Where do you live? – In love. When you are in love you do what love wants.

Slavery cannot exist in this space; this is a critical understanding if we are to be free. And try this: the feminine version of love (the divine feminine, if you like) is encompassed by the non-aggression principle. This principle is well-known amongst the aware. But there is an imbalance, an important piece is missing: The masculine side of love. This is encompassed by one’s capacity for self-defence, in the event that the divine feminine has failed in another. This is where we are right now; an absolute disregard for the divine feminine, a direct result of our societal prohibition of the divine masculine –the feminine safeguard.

Explore this for yourself, especially if you are a man, how our culture has restricted your capacity to defend yourself. Do not be embarrassed by your fascination with violence; violence can be love, and your propensity for it is a naturally occurring symptom of love. You will only allow another to violate you, dominate you, steal from you, and enslave you if you do not love yourself. And look at what your culture has done, it has done to violence what pornography has done to sex; taken the building blocks of humanity and turned them into sick, unnatural deviations under the guise of entertainment. These are used to drain love from men, and this is why men have put up with so much abuse for so long. We must stop consuming this and start preserving, valuing, celebrating, and defending our creative, masculine energy.

This is a very tangible thing, not theoretical. Do you own a weapon? Carry it. I don’t mean a tool, I mean a weapon. Think about the ramifications, consider the responsibility.

Why is being caught with a concealed weapon such a gravely punishable offence? Because organized law enforcement and militaries cannot control an armed population. Order-followers flaunt their weapons as a show of force and intimidation, you and I do not. You and I carry from a place of love, they carry from a place of fear. Put yourself in their position: Would you give your slave a gun?

If we were free, there would be no threat. This is not the reality of our situation. As long as order-followers hold the monopoly on force, there is a threat. We must consider this. Thanks for reading.

we are standing in line
for the gallows in perfect form,
patiently stepping forward
in queue with others,
toward a place we do not wish to go
and nobody is fucking guarding us

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