The Subtle Obstruction of Real Connection

in #love7 years ago


This is my wife and I at a wedding...looking at the picture one can get the idea that we are successful, generally attractive, having a fantastical evening and in love with each other. But how do you know? Using this picture and a caption I can portray my wife in a way that would make someone think whatever I want them to think about her.

But how do you really know?

You see all of us have different "fronts" or ways we try and put ourselves or our image forward - especially online. I can use this to my advantage. Trying to "play" or manipulate my audience either online or in a physical setting to get something from them. Maybe Im really insecure and so I use this picture to get likes on instagram to feel better about myself. Or maybe, I am trying to build a network from amongst the wedding attendees to try and sell a service I provide.

Whatever the front or image that you may be putting forward - its stealing your ability to have a real connection with someone. What has happened is we as humans have grown accustomed to treating each other as objects to meet our own needs. This is the thing that causes people to freak out when they are going into an interview. If you really want this job, you will present yourself in this stuck up professional manner acting like you are someone that your not to get a job. It prevents you from having a legitimate connect with the person giving the interview, or for your potential employer to actually connect with the real you.


When we grow accustomed to treating people like objects that we use to get something from, then our ability to have a genuine relationship is ourselves! It steals from our ability to love. Love implies a choice, vulnerability...its impossible when you objectify people. A case could be made for the dramatic rise in mental health disorders, depression, perscription antidepressants - as people not having any real connections with people because we objectify them.

Theres a quote that goes:

This is the sad reality for those of us that have learned how to use people for our personal gain...

The subtle obstruction that is stealing real connection is:

                  "objectification of each other"

For the next several days I will be posting different areas in our lives where we are objectifying people and stealing from real meaningful connections. Areas like social media, religion, sex, hospitality industry...Would love to invite you to read along and comment appropriately.

Thanks for reading - Ill catch you tomorrow


I like your post @breakthrough, and I agree that creating and having real connection reduces the likelihood of objectification of others.

As an acting teacher, one of my driving motivations for the actors I am blessed and privileged to work with is to connect truthfully in the moment, both with themselves and with the actor they are reading with.

BW Director's Chair.jpg

At the end of the day, that is all we will ever have and may ever get: that deep connection with ourselves and others.

One last thing: you do need to bone up on your use (or lack thereof) of apostrophes.

haha! thanks for your input - I could use some editing/grammer skills...this summer just starting to practice this writing thing...Im also incredible fascinating by actors because they live this tension of being something to an audience for the sake of a story or plot...Im sure you would have plenty of insight on the topic - feel free to input over the next few days as I get into specific areas in society where we objectify people

Sad part is that world dont like real person, it want a person who can pretend that he can do the job.I prefer be real to my close one and fake with stranger according to situation.

my hope is that genuine people can eventually take down the artificial BS that our world tells us is successful...thanks for reading

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