
It's your complement! That's love

Aww, this was sweet! He’s very lucky to have you.

hah! That's what I tell him. kidding
He is one of the good ones.


This makes me very happy, to know you have someone on your side, to love and confide in.

+1000 scores for smoking a cigar!
You are such a romantic, you can't hide it :)

You have chosen your words with such tender care. This is a very sweet tribute to your union. True love is magical isn't it?

Is your mister on steemit yet???

He threatens that he is going to all the time lol And I am all--if you do that the strangers won't flirt with me as much and all the strangers wives will try to whoo you out of spite. Of course that last part only made him want to join more. So you may yet see him, I already see him around here all the time. He used to be a stock photographer so sometimes I will see his face in a post on the front page. It has happened twice that I can recall. He was pretty big on DA when he was doing stock.

Sent your package out today and the said about 10 days for arrival.

Yes, I recall you shared he 'used to be' a photographer. If I may ask, what caused him to put down his camera?? The more the merrier! He'll be here soon, I just know it. In regards to that last bit, gosh. Refer to PM please!

He looks like a sweet guy, but the Justin Beiber haircut with the Anton Le'Vey facial hair isn't working.

Yeah, I keep meaning to cut it... sigh. THis weekend I will for sure lol.

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