I'll love it, when the plan comes together. But do we have a plan....?

in #love7 years ago


Sound familiar...?

Well if you have pulled your head from the sand recently, it most probably will be. There is also a good chance you have joined a group, a forum, or maybe you have gone full throttle and you're sat reading this dressed in full camouflage, pretending to shave your chin with your imitation 'Rambo blade'. Its more likely a cheese knife, but you look tough and we get the message, your pissed off...

Well join the clubs! It doesn't take long, these days, to find a website denouncing one deception or another.
first image.jpg

The bird of freedom, that resides in all of us, uses both her wings to fly free, left wing and right. Chop away any one or both of her wings and you will send her into free-fall, they are a necessity that keep her balanced. I've witnessed many folk lose all their former grace by trying to fly using only one wing.
You should keep this in mind if you ever allow your ego to get the better of you. We all have a point to make and nobody knows for sure. The worst kind of debates are usually with people who have no room to accept any tolerances in their own theories. Recently read a great article about social media debates(https://steemit.com/blog/@dbroze/facebook-debates-have-made-me-impatient-and-bitter-derrick-broze-s-stream-of-consciousness-1-a-steemit-exclusive-series)

That being said, even the most stubborn of Asses can still see that both sides want to live in peace. Most debates, I personally have on FB, usually end with those sentiments, rather than carry on shouting down the other in reciprocal fashion. Like shouting at your own reflection in a wavy pond. Your looking at a blurred version of yourself, the essence of what is being said and the reasons behind the Ego is the same, just blurred on either side of the water.

Out of fairness, I cast as much judgement on my own 'clan' as I do on the rest, and Jesus/Allah/Buddha are there a lot of different clans! From our Religious beliefs to our Political 'leanings' all the way down to our hobbies, we have so many different alliances. From my own point of view, it seems the more main stream your views are, the more contradictions you have to justify. Folk who choose to use governmental or 'Official' groups, like Greenpeace, WWF, Lib, Lab, Con or one of the many other 'poisoned chalices' on offer to represent themselves, are the most blinkered. But they will soon find themselves stripped of any integrity, with ease, by anyone with any real common sense. All of us choose to ignore 'inconvenient truths' out of convenience for the greater good we seek to realise.


I am a member of a group named Practical Lawful Dissent. We represent U.K. Common Law and the recognition of Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215( this clause of MC1215 was lawfully activated in 2001) We are a group that promotes lawful, peaceful dissent towards the Crown and all of its agents. We help each other out in ways that are admirable. I have personally, like many others, spent much time promoting the group and even donated money to other members in times of need. We are a community and our Facebook page is concentrated towards showing the solution to our own cause, rather than examples of the problem. I admire the active members of this group and some deserve knighting for the work they are doing to uphold British Laws and Justice for all. Shit, Bob Geldof hasn't put in years of work like these guys and girls do. All that being said, I myself, struggle with some elements of my chosen 'Truth'. Certain thing do not sit well with me. I am an Anarchist at heart, I want to be ruled by nobody other than myself and the natural laws of a healthy conscience and educated mind. Even Magna Carta represents a higher power in its essence. It is a representation of the Laws of God and I am not religious... I believe we are far away from discovering our real 'creator'. All of the representations we have are evidently muddied with our own personnel perceptions. We are limited in our ability to think out side of the box. Just try invent a new colour in your mind and you will find it impossible without it being a subconscious mixture of what you already have. And that's just a colour...imagine trying to do that within the subject of what or who 'God' is...
So my own inconvenient truth is that I am showing support to Laws written buy a 'god' I believe does not exist. I justify this by boiling it down to the Laws I feel conform with nature, ie do not kill, do not steal etc etc.
For me, Practical Lawful Dissent (the theory, not the community), is a means to an ends. We have evolved as a global community and there are certain parts of our British constitution, that while I support it in its entirety, I know do not fit in with today's society( and before you shove the EU bill of human rights at me as an example of an alternative, please remember who has created it. Better the Devil you know I say ).
So I have denounced my own deception and for us to carry on you must do the same... Whether you be a 'White Dragon', a 'Lawful Rebel', Lib/Lab/Con, ISIS, a Black panther, an environmentalist, or even a 'Flat Earther', it doesn't matter. We all have the same short-sighted argument. An argument, that even if it was decided in a peaceful way, would still lead to chaos.
The darkest years of Russian history, described in the incredible accounts of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in the Gulag Archipelago, were preceded and created by the manipulation of an honorable revolution, against unjust living standards and national famine.

I fear that even if my own theory was proven to be lawful, it would ultimately transcend to another form of oppression. Even the Nazi party managed to re-invent itself into the EU, you don't have to look far to find the tell-tale signs of a familiar style of oppression. Seems the folk who wish to live with ill-intent are even more limited than us. But we keep falling for the same tricks so I suppose, if it isn't gerbrochen, why would they fix it?

It appears very evident that the problem we all have is an inability to imagine a sustainable version of a peaceful and free society, or how to present such a concept. I believe there is a direct link between the 'Inconvenient truths' we all hide, and the reason behind our inability to move forward. The 'progress' we see going on today is an abomination of a peaceful and free society. Our current version of 'equality' is an Orwellian nightmare come true, the lies needed to sustain this system, poison it with predictably sad results.

This is a global phenomenon that has permeated every developing society. The only examples I can think of, where this is not the case, are found in native peoples like the indigenous folk of Australia and New Zealand. Although, I am sure even these balanced cultures have had their own dark times.

Now I would happily place a bet that every 'truth seeker' out there, who belongs to a group, will harbour in the back of their minds the frustration of meeting an impenetrable barrier. A niggling issue that you know, if confronted, will disconnects you from other groups. Groups you know mean well. Groups you know have miss-information about yourself. Groups you know are acting out of fear. As I have stated, my own group uphold the Magna Carta and Common Law of the Land. But I know full well that if our group are successful, then by the letter of the Law we must remove every place of worship, not affiliated with Christianity....Can you imagine that happening??? What an awful thought...But in the defense of Magna Carta, had it been upheld in the first place we would not have had to carry this responsibility.

Fact of the matter is, we have let things get out of balance. We can live peacefully together but it takes time and responsible ethics, something that's is void among the ruling class today. We need honest debate from the ground up as apposed to the top down system of we have all become addicted to.

But most importantly we need to have a vision of the freedom we offer. If you want people to give 100% and put their comfortable and valuable lives on the line, you need to make we know what we are fighting to achieve, or else we become the next generation locked inside the infinite reflections of the Gulag.

I tease my mind to imagine a scenario of lasting peace for everyone, where we can express ourselves as individuals and as a representative of an opposing group, without fear or unjust consequences.

Thanks for reading steemers and I hope it has given food for thought. Education is key. peace and love to all.

Rebel Dan.

P.S. I would love to hear about anyone's interpretation of a peaceful future so feel free to post a link.

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