Rapper Prince Ea’s Eye Opening Video Throws Light On The Real Reason Behind Wars, Racism

in #love6 years ago


American rapper and activist, known for speaking his mind on issues like politics, society, environment and lifestyle, Rapper Prince Ea is back with an inspiring yet hard-hitting video.

Before concluding that human beings were not meant to be slapped with labels like groceries at supermarkets, but were born and meant to be free, Ea asks some very relevant questions. Who would you be if society never gave you a label? Do the labels of race, color, gender and economic status really make you who you are? Or are they just labels used by society to put people into boxes to divide them from each other?

When you let an artificial label define yourself, you choose smallness over greatness. These labels blind you from seeing a person for who they are. It is these labels that distort your vision and force you to see each other through the judgmental, prejudicial, and artificial filters of who YOU THINK THEY are.

Ea insists on the undeniable fact that where there is a division, there will be conflict and conflict starts wars, therefore every war has started over labels – it's always us versus them. The answer to war, racism, sexism and every other ism is so simple that every politician has missed it – it’s the labels. It’s time we acted as one – the human race – and stopped separating ourselves from each other.

Ea and a diverse group of people make an important point: WE are NOT what we LOOK LIKE. I Am NOT Black, You are NOT White. What are your thoughts? Comment below and share this piece...


Each of your article is very important.sir,anonnews@ your post is a great post.

everything is fear in love and war..

People need to understand some fact of life, sometime things that cause conflict among people are different in individual mind. The world need to come together and love one another, and the issue of violence and other vices will be reduce.

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