Shit Post #2 (No pun Intended...) :>)

in #love6 years ago (edited) funny is that in the title of this post??? I didn't even realize the pun until I actually typed it in...

We need some good laughs these days on Steemit, don't we? Some people have no sense of humor though, so "screw you" in advance if anything about this post offends you and you 'curse' me to the Gods, or try to hex me...

You can try and hex me all you want, but it'll all be in vain, and a big waste of your lifeless brain's time. You'd be better off if you 'love' ole AngryMan because in reality, I'm really a sweetie pie, and you'd know that if you're a non-human, or a child..."Bless the Beasts and the Children" I always say...

Link to 'Karen Carpenter's' Bless the Beasts & the Children Song

Anyway...I don't want to waste much more of your time (See how nice I am?) I was just sitting here at the keyboard and had to come up with something to post, so that I can try to finally get that 'slowwww moving' Reputation score to finally crack the '59' mark...

Here's wishing all of you, who might have actually read this post, a pleasant day...If you didn't read it, have a happy day anyway...

See...I told you I'm a sweet old man...don't be fooled by the name.

I'm outta here for now...See ya when I see ya.


Another Preposterous, Portrayal of Pestilence by @AngryMan on Steemit, Dec. 6, 2018

Cartoon Image from (Thank You)

Remember back in school they'd always make us use #2 pencils for standardized testing. Ha ha

Yeah...That is funny @ninjamike , maybe that's why I usually got a crappy score on tests...??? Nice to hear from you.

From my animal view i may point out that the keyboard is not a tool to pump up reputation , it's a tool to express oneself . The expression is the tool and can not be forced , it will become post just to post like many on here already do . The reward system drains a persons creativity fast if you only post for , rewards . Take time to experience some other things while the mind is empty . Get a coffee at Starbucks , argue about your name , start a fight , get arrested , what ever ;-) . Share the experience in a post . It's not about quantity . One good post a week is better as 10 of nothing a day . Your absence of inspiration as angryman tell me you really are a nice guy , and must be quit happy at the moment .
So thanks and may you have a day happy to :-)

Hi SmallAxe...always nice to hear from you. Those crazy posts that I make, are actually 'inspired' creativity... :>) Being too 'serious' all the time is detrimental to the health.

I do those other things that you mentioned as well...except for getting coffee at Starbucks...(too overly priced) and I don't like their political or social views. Companies that use 'our' money to 'overtly' politicize in their advertising are not companies that I support. Left or Right...doesn't matter to me...I'm more apt to spend my money on their competitors products...(Anarchy) at it's finest.

Well , what better place to start a fight then at Stufbucks ?
As you notice i became one that keeps his main task to the comments section .
I comment on creative and inspiring post's , some in support some in question .
I may not be able to create a high quality post , i can at least try to be creative
and inspiring in my comments .
This post reminded me of a drawing i ones made when i was 15 years old .
It was a self-portrait , me sitting on a desk drawing me sitting on a desk drawing me . ......
and so on . The absence of inspiration did not stop my creativity . The drawing for years
reminded me of the empty state your mind gets in when you push to hard . I did not make
drawings for years after that one . It was until people asked me to do it for them that i picked
it up again in my 20ths . While picking it up again i realized that i took it way to serious as a
child back then . Do it for fun , do it for laughs , do it for good times .
I came to Steemit to learn about crypto and shit , i still are a noob at that .
I learned a lot by reading and commenting about a lot of other things including myself .
Or that angryman sometimes is not so angry at all , or how to deal with a Spanish speaking
hand sock or pop wearing fence jumper in ones garden , and a lot more , do hippies dig guns ?
I know now , some do . To me the real value lies in what i learned and shared , not in that counter next to the vote button . Most valuable gain i made here is to communicate in a language not native to me . To have fun conversation with sentences instead of arguments with words and one-liners . I know this "Shit post " is really more like deep shit ;-)

Most valuable gain i made here is to communicate in a language not native to me . To have fun conversation with sentences instead of arguments with words and one-liners . I know this "Shit post " is really more like deep shit ;-)

The non-native language that you are communicating in is perhaps 'better' than you've given yourself credit for SmallAxe...Most of what you write, 'is' good enough for us English speaking people to understand...Your 'small' errors are usually easy to decipher the meaning, as well.

You actually communicate 'better' than many native born English speakers in my part of the world. (Believe it or not) Our school system has been failing its young people for about three or four decades. Young people are currently graduating high school, barely literate.

We also have much of the 'newly' arrived kids with parents who can only speak Spanish, and these kids are growing up to be illiterate in 'both' English 'and' Spanish...they can barely read or write in either language. They 'speak' it well enough to communicate 'simple' thought...that's about it...

I actually commend you. As for myself??? I'm a native born English speaker, with an Italian background (I suck at communicating in Italian) Also, I was raised in NYC in communities with a lot of Spanish and Greek residents, so I can understand and speak a 'wee' bit of those languages (more Spanish than Greek)

You are doing well with English, my friend.

Thanks for your kind words angryman , i can understand , looking back at my comment , your way to kind , i really messed up layout and form by bashing enter after every point i place . .. reasons to stick to the comments for now ;-) . It is normal for a Dutch person to at least learn 1 language from the top 5 world languages . English German and France are the ones that can be picked up in basic schooling . German i can understand , read ( not write ) and speak . Just by meeting Germans . Germans cover there ears when i do , and wonder if i am from Austria ;-) . I had a year lessons in French , i already mastered some English , my French speaking was more of an act , Translating from Dutch text to French speaking resulted in me becoming the skunk from Disney . I didn't take it to serious , 90% females in that classroom didn't help either . Dutch is like English related to French and German , but Dutch , just like in English it makes most things , well just things , not always male or female . Emotions are better defined in text and not so much in the sound used when pronounced . English and Dutch came fort from trade and communication between older languages . Dutch turns a lot of things around compared to English , i say twee-en-dertig , 32 , in English it is thirty-two 32 . Danish and Swedish sound alien to me , still i am able to understand and even read some . A long stay among them would learn me to understand it better . Despite the fact our country is overrun by North African middle East , former Sovjet and Asian cultures , i never learned any of it . The way those people use passion and emotion in sound to communicate confuses me al the time . Reason for me to learn English where to create a bigger world for myself . Did you ever see the speck of nothing the Netherlands are on the world map . That's a small world to live in if you only understand and speak Dutch . For a peaceful world we need to be able to communicate to come to understanding and solutions , nowadays the educational system is not exactly helping towards that direction . Divide and conquer ? isn't it easy going if don among a dumped down mass ? Or do i see windmills again ? ;-) Respect from overseas angryman , i thank you for your time .

I don't know for sure about you seeing 'windmills again' SmallAxe, nor if you're dreaming the 'impossible dream'...? Yet, if you still have a strong horse and a straight're dream may one day become a reality :>)

Damn crocodile devoured my horse and i can not charge only in shining armour with a lance , it's to heavy .
Hmmm. can't i trade my kingdom for a horse ? .... A KINGDOM FOR A HORSE ! who has a horse for me , ill give you my kingdom in return ;-)

:>) You poor soul...that crocodile must have been very big, or your horse was very small??? Perhaps 'both' applies???

HA HA, instant classic post my friend, likes ya style, and oh how they dragged this place to the gutter with the "say as I say, do as I do" mentality. Nice one for breaking the mould (mold for muricans), now where is my upvote ometer.

Thanks Shepz....glad you liked it. Sometimes taking a lighthearted view on world is invigorating...

Aint that the truth bro, right there.

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