What Men Wants From Women?

in #love6 years ago

What she respected her husband what happened the husband became the loving husband that she wanted and an example of this respect is that common hadith that everybody knows that the issue of intimacy and romance that when the man wants this issue when the man calls for his wife we all know the famous hadith about where the wife says no to this issue that a lot curses around the Angels cursor now why why a lot of sisters say well why this is not fair how come every time you also have to respond see it's not an issue of the bedroom it's not an issue of intimacy and romance it's an issue of respect that the man is calling you and the man wants you and you turn the other cheek and say no I don't care

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I'm not in the mood go god I don't want to do it right now it's a matter of the height of disrespect that when the husband is calling and the wife says no I don't want you and that damages the marriage life nothing else because the balance respect has been hurt and this is something that shanahan has been very explicit about and therefore brothers and sisters the main point that I want to emphasize here the rights that the husband has over the wife is the right of respect and this is demonstrated in that infamous hadith I say to him because people have misused it people have abused it people find it problematic but the essence of the hadith illustrates this point and that is what the Prophet SAW son said I have forbidden any person to bow down in front of another town for any person to lower their head bow down in front of another but if I were to open this door then I would have said that the wife should bow down in front of her husband because of them upon the rights that the husband has over her now think about what is this hadith you we're not allowed to that one is how long's about them if another person but the person saying if I were to open this door who has the right the most to be shown respect it is the US and I explained and I reiterate when the husband is shown that respect he will show the love that the wife once he will adore his wife and frankly I shouldn't say this to explicitly because our sisters will misuse and abuse this but to Allah be sisters if you truly understood that power you can have over your husband when you show him this love and respect in reality your husband will become your slave your husband will become your servant if you didn't have that respect then what loggy every wish will become his beck and call every desire of yours he will race to do it but when you rebuke when you curse him when you show him an attitude then why would you agree but when you show you the respect then we'll argue he will do everything that you want and that is the human nature of the man now what is the second half of this that is the rights of the wife or the husband what should the wife expect from the husband the Sharia of course obligates taking care of her needs this is the main obligation but the Sharia also obligates good manners treating earth with the love that she wants what is the wife want the most from the husband that closeness fact that love that adoration the wife always wants to be reminded that her husband still loves her and this is the biggest problem of husbands

they don't understand that women never take love for granted women that's why they love it when the husband brings flowers they love it when the husband takes them out for a romantic date romantic take nuclear couples don't misquote me right husband and wife can go on the date right when the husband shows them some some remote remember we got married on this day and reasonable some gift this day why do the wives love it because it shows them over and over again my husband still loves me my husband still cares about me and wives love it when their husbands show the facts that closeness problems that husbands have they should share with their wives because a lot of men we are not guilty of this disorder like to bottle up it's not in our nature to share our problems but you see one we don't share our problems women feel they were giving that we're leaving them out of the picture why is the one thing that they want the most from their husbands is that connection that emotional connection that that feeling that my husband truly loves me and cares about me and that is why Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has commanded the man well as you know wounded in the matter who treat women with dignity and respect with men who treat women in kindness and the purpose of Allah party was said them said it's supposed to be nice happy failure I command you to treat women with clay I command you is also I command you to treat women in kindness and goodness and we see from the life of a prophet of Allah crying he was send them how he was with his wives aisha says that the Prophet system would not like to talk after Isha after initially in those days they would just go to sleep and they would and not have a late evenings unfortunately we don't have this sooner we have late evening but she said he would speak with me in bed until the late nights the woman lostness that the husband opens up to her tells her the problem because that's the emotional connection that the eyes you saying and a processor would speak to me until late night but he would not speak with the other men this is not the time for socialization in those days so in our days we need to literally cut out some time private time for the couple every evening every day there should be a few minutes or just the husband and wife they reconnect they explain what is happening the problems the issues are the very last home bug that our offices have gave the whole budget was out in front of a hundred thousand men What did he say he said that verily Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has given you your lives mister blessing from Allah Allah has given you your wife and Allah has made them handout for you so treat them well and respect their honor and you have no way or you have no right to harm them they're right over you is that you take care of them with not aloof with good manners this is the last hold above that the processing is giving in front of a hundred thousand people ultimately without that I commanded you to treat women with kindness implement a lot has given them to you they are your responsibilities physically emotionally generally speaking the man is superior to the woman physically his stronger emotionally he can take more and so women are fragile men need to understand this what did our conferences have described women as he described women as being delicate he is as delicate ornaments delicate fragile glasses he described them as being delicate brothers and sisters a hard word a harsh word a vile curse can sometimes earth the heart of a woman even more than a physical hurt some times saying something mean can hurt her more for months and years then even a physical hurt and so brothers Allah has given you added responsibility and realized our promises that have said three teen ups three gold coins one of them you spend for charity the other you spend for freeing a slave and the third you spend on your wife

the most rewarded is the one you spend on your wife brothers pay attention to this many of us are stingy when it comes to our family we will give my shallots about a collage of good causes that we should walk on and we will spend on ourselves and our clothes whatever our promises are not safe even free in the sleigh which we know how much it is in the or on spending it on your wife is more blessing you see when you get a gift for your wife when you spend some money on her she feels loved she feels my husband cares about me and that love she will reciprocate in respect notice that I'll be very explicit here though the man wants from his wife respect and the wife wants from her husband love and adoration and listen to this now when the man gets respect you will show love when the wife gets love she will show respect it's a cycle brothers and sisters it's a cycle when you give what your wife wants your wife will get you what you want why is when you give your husband what he wants he will give you what you want love and respect and the two of this go hand in hand in a successful marriage and I have to mention one more point before I finish the first Hopa and there is a taboo topic is a very topic that is not mentioned publicly yet it must be mentioned and have to be very explicit here and that is the issue of marital violence that is the issue of marital and spousal abuse brothers and this is a common problem amongst brothers obviously the opposite does exist but it is rare it is the exception primarily it is men who physically abuse women brothers listen to this that once the professors from stood up and he gave a general hozeva and he prohibited men prohibited them from beating their wives and this was in a culture where every man used it as his wife the sheliak came and he said you are not supposed to shave off the cross and said do not beat your women so after a few weeks after a few months the women realized that none of their would beat them so they became a little bit arrogant and cocky their tongues he came to sharp and so rumor came to the processor and you don't know what the besides aroma and he said yeah vassal Allah the women have become too sharp their rebukes are too much it's too much now you have told us not to do it now the women have the upper hand we're not allowed to do it so the Headlee says Roslin Devi the processor the kingdom and laxity okay it's okay if they become very angry or very colored then it's okay the next morning 50 women came to the house of Aisha complaining about their husbands that their husbands had beat them fifty women are gathered outside the house and the promises in-game another hopeful ending and he warned them and cautioned them about beating their wives and he said - today fifty women came to me complaining about their husbands these men are not the best of you these men are not the best of you and our promises that I'm said and he doesn't hope that would how could one of you beat your wife like you beat an animal look you don't beat a human being how can one of you beat you up you need a stubborn horse you need a stubborn Channel how could one of you beat your wife like you beat an animal perhaps the same evening you will go and be intimate with her in other words he's saying be a gentleman being human how could you treat your woman like you would treat a stubborn camel or a stubborn stubborn horse or something how could one of you do this and Aisha says that Allah he never once did the process of Allah I think Oh sentence had ever touched a woman except if he was in the battle and you're defending yourself that's a warrior woman not in any domestic abuse never once did the processor miss any of his wives and we have in the messenger of the prophecies and we have the perfect example brothers in Islam anybody who beats his wife will lobby any man who beats wife is not a man any man who raises his hand against a woman and beats her in this manner our prophet has explicitly said these are not the best of Muslims he himself said the best of you are those who treat their wives the best and I am the one who treats my wives the best that is the student that we have in the messenger of the prophets of Allah when he was seldom evolving you

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