Have You Ever Noticed + Something On Louis CK • Comedy Open Mic #37 ·1·steemCreated with Sketch.

in #louisck6 years ago

Have you ever noticed wait I already said that.

How we say 'hello' on the phone?

louis thumb.png

Like. We say hello. We actually say that to another person.

How many times do you say that in real life? That's such a weird thing to say to someone.
Either that or I've successfully become anti-social.


Ew, go away robot. You reek of AI.

But you say it on the phone as if that's the first word you're supposed to say. You don't actually mean the real word, do you.

Neither do I. But we both say it anyway.

And even the person on the other side says it!

Pfft, like who're you tryna fool man? I know you don't mean that shit.

So think about it.

Why was that word chosen as the default noise to be made as we answer the phone?
Why is this sounding like a Louis CK's piece? Why does everything sound like Louis CK wrote it?

Am I Louis CK?

How Louis CK Makes Things Funny

Well, this went somewhere unexpected.

You know, I'm pretty sure we lost that effect of "spontaneous topic change" riiiight when we wrote about this very section in the title.

This is what I've concluded about how he writes his jokes, after analyzing (read: bingeing on) his videos.

He brings extreme attention to some action which we all do obliviously.

Do you think 'oblivious' was created by a dude who had a lisp, but with an 'L' instead of the 'S', while saying the word 'obvious'?

Does that make 'lisp', silp?

Wait! Did I just bring extreme attention to something that we obviously obliviously say?

He completely deconstructs a common action we do, say, answering our phone (oh hey, a full circle).

But believe me, I never answer my phone. I let my friends talk to the answering machine instead. Ha! Fools.

So far only telemarketers have fallen for it.

I have no friends.

When he does this, he makes us aware of our own experience with that action.
Since it's a common action, everybody is able to relate to it.

And as we all know, U-Klid's 1st Stand-Up Comedy postulate postulates:

Are we playing the game of adding s'es to "postulate"?
Lemme play too!

Postulatess postulatesss postulatessss...

More relatable, more laughter

Euclid U-Klid

How he deconstructs that action:

He takes that action. Adds an awkward element to it (this is his trademark I'd say). Plays out the said common action after the awkward element has been added.

While playing it out, he really plays it out.

You guys know what actions I'm talking about right? Like the one that got him into trouble recently.
I guess he was practicing for his next set that day.

That's why I always say - never reveal that new joke you've been working on until the real show.

So, awkwardness is one thing I've seen him do.

Inspired by me when I'm around girls.

Next thing he does is obvious exaggerated explanation.

Don't worry, no repeating of the "creating an example out of the main point" joke again.

He does this a lot (I've no idea if he does this a lot, but you're just gonna believe me blindly aren't you?)

One joke I remember on this is about money.

Which I dearly need so smash that upvote button and don't forget to hit the bell icon.

Wait what?

He says something like, "I'm in debt", then he says a bit later on, "...I couldn't buy that because, you know, I don't have any money in my account! I'm broke! I'm in debt. I have negative money in my bank account. If you gave me something for free, I couldn't afford it!"

Trust me, that bit was funny even though this example looks as if it was disowned by garbage itself.

"Hit the bell icon"? What's wrong with me...oh shit our text timeline's getting out of alignment. Lemme say something funny about that previous para.
(Quick! Think of something!...)

He talks like how the dark side of your mind talks.

ARGH fukcin' MILK BEFORE CEREAL! Couldn't think of anything.

You know. When you see a kid and feel like kicking them.

What, just me?

So people start laughing because they're helpless in telling him to stop (because they don't have a mike & cannot hop on the stage) and they don't want him to stop anyway.
What c'mon seriously, just me?

They like to let him explore that part of his mind. Because, when else do you get to hear such things, right?
I'm not crazy enough to admit I get such thoughts...


Too late?

I guess so.

Wait, who're you??


And finally, when he does that face while delivering (not babies, jokes.) (wait, same thing in your mum's case)

He does this thing with his face where it looks like he's also enjoying his own joke, while saying them.
That gives the delivery of the joke a certain authenticity - making you feel like laughing along with him.

Brain: You know, that "thing" you mean is probably a smile/chuckle.

Hey, shut down Brain! You weren't supposed to start working until I was done with this post.

Wait. Brain? How many characters are there in this? I thought I was the only one?!

Beats me.



I guess something like this:

"I'm broke."


Don't kick babies.

Thank you.

Thank you.
Brain: Thank you.

Fuck off.


Hi sharanaithal,

Thank you for your entry in to #comedyopenmic comedy contest. We have asked the judges below to review your entry and give it a funny rating. (They generally have no sense of humor, as the saying goes, those that can't do, start contests and judge).
This will determine your ultimate position when the results are tallied. (That being said, you are free to adopt any position you wish - we can recommend pantsless with beer in hand.)


If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact one of the judges or come say hi in discord: Click Here

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Thank you to @matytan for the great banner

This is a great entry @sharanaithal, good luck man! A trick I learned over 10 years ago, which I thought everyone knew, no? I don’t have a voicemail set up on my phone, it’s great! Missed calls are the same thing as a voicemail and I don’t have to hear sally, the lady who lets me know my “credit card account is fine” but they can lower my interest to something like negative a bajillion.

Upvote button - ✔️
‘Now what in the heck did he mean by bell?’


I don't think they have a bajillion money even in their own account.

And that's a good trick.
Does it work with imaginary phone calls as well? (My imaginary friend wants to know)

Bell. Hmm.
Doesn't ring mine yet.

Wait, you have some that aren’t, as in, ‘are not’ imaginary?

Am I doing it wrong again?

No, no all my friends are imaginary. Just like how you are.
See, this knife will go right through you like a hologram...


Hey why are you bleeding

Nominations to participate in the Comedy Open Mic fun:
@acidyo & @liberosist

Hey guys. :D

Sources: Euclid, Louis CK

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