14 Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Like And NOT Gain Weight

in #loseweight6 years ago

Did you know? Nearly one-third of the world’s population is now obese. Such is largely a result of highly-processed, high-fat and sugar, and low-nutrient foods being more affordable than nutrient-dense, alkalizing, and hydrating fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and leafy greens.

Though this issue is more of an economic one, some people still struggle to maintain a healthy weight simply because they don’t know which food choices are ideal. For this reason, we are sharing advice by nutritionist Dr. Lisa Young.

According to Young, there are 14 foods one can eat as much as they want and not gain weight. The foods generally fall into one of two categories: non-starchy fruits or vegetables. As ThisIsInsider reports, the nutritionist says there are a few reasons you won’t gain weight from eating the foods:

  1. They’re mostly made up of water

  2. They are low in calories

  3. They contain fiber which makes you feel and stay full

Because fruits and vegetables are chock full of vitamins and minerals, they also help reduce cravings by satiating the body’s demand for nutrients which are rarely received by those who eat the Standard American Diet (SAD).

In regard to all of the following suggestions, remember that fresh is best. When produce sits in shipping containers and/or is purchased in a can, its nutrient content is drastically reduced. Following are 14 fruits and vegetables you can eat as much as you like and not gain weight:

1) Celery

Despite the fact that celery is 95% water, it is full of nutrients, including potassium, folate, and fiber. In one serving, there are six calories. And, eating a few stalks of celery meets 30% of your daily requirement of vitamin K.

2) Kale

This “super food” is light in calories and abundant in protein. One cup of raw kale has only 33 calories yet contains close to three grams of protein and 2.5 grams of fiber per serving. As a leafy green, it also contains omega-three fatty acids which reduce inflammation and support digestion.

3) Blueberries

This brain food is packed with antioxidants and fiber. In fact, one cup of blueberries provides 14% of your recommended daily blue of fiber — and that serving has just 85 calories.

4) Cucumbers

This fruit is predominantly comprised of water. As a result, one serving is only 16 calories. The seeds and skin contain most of the nutritional value (high in vitamin A), so be sure to buy organic and include them in salads, smoothies, and juices.

5) Tomatoes

This fruit — which is mostly used in savory recipes — is rich in lycopene, a carotenoid which helps fight chronic diseases. It’s also abundant in vitamins A, C, and B2, as well as chromium, potassium, folate, and fiber. One medium-sized tomato has around 25 calories.

6) Grapefruits

The citrus fruit is somewhat of an acquired taste but is a fruit to consume more often due to its many benefits. The low-calorie fruit is high in fiber — which keeps hunger pangs at bay — and has been shown to help stabilize blood sugar levels, making it good for diabetics. In just one-half of a pink, juicy grapefruit, there are 50 calories.

ThisIsInsider reports: “The vitamin C found in grapefruit can reduce the risk of a number of health problems, like cancer and heart issues. Grapefruit can also work wonders in lowering cholesterol and improving digestion, and the folate found in the fruit makes it an ideal snack for pregnant women.”

7) Broccoli

People tend to love or hate this vegetable. Because it is rich in sulforaphane, an anti-carcinogen that helps destroy cancer-causing chemicals that the body might take in either through the environment or through food, we hope you love it.

Broccoli is also abundant in vitamins C, A, E, and K. And, one serving of steamed broccoli (it is most easily digested when lightly cooked) contains approximately 20% of your daily fiber requirement. Additionally, there are only 31 calories in one serving.

8) Cantaloupe

This tasty fruit has more beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A that supports healthy eyes, skin, and hair) than many other similar fruits, such as grapefruits, oranges, peaches, and mangoes. And, just one cup provides you with more than 100% of your daily recommended value of vitamins A and C.

Because cantaloupe is 90% water, there are only 55 calories per serving.

9) Cauliflower

This white vegetable is incredibly versatile and nutritious. Not only does it contain anti-cancer properties, it is rich in antioxidants, is an excellent source of folate and fiber, and supplies plenty of vitamin C and K. One serving has just 25 calories.

10) Blackberries

Like most berries, blackberries are abundant in vitamin C, as well as antioxidants known as bioflavonoids. The fruit aids digestion, helps keep one alert, and even tightens tissue (goodbye, cellulite!). One serving of blackberries is just 62 calories.

11) Lettuce

Most people consume lettuce via salads, and this is a wise decision. Whether romaine or iceberg, lettuce has just 10 to 20 calories per serving. Though it doesn’t add much protein to one’s diet, it provides plenty of nutrients and vitamins, such as folate, iron, and vitamins A and C.

12) Oranges

Because oranges supply a large amount of vitamin C, they can be credited with supporting collagen production. This keeps the skin free of damage and healthy-looking. The fruit is also low in calories; just one orange is about 80 calories.

The pith — the white stuff under the orange’s skin — has health benefits, as well. High in fiber, the pith supports healthy blood sugar levels and helps lower cholesterol.

13) Strawberries

Not only are strawberries tasty, they contain more vitamin C in one serving than can be found in an orange. They are also full of polyphenols, a type of antioxidant.

In addition to being a great source of potassium and fiber, strawberries are fat-free, sodium-free and cholesterol-free. As a result, they are a great food for detoxification. One cup of the fruit has just about 50 calories.

14) Honeydew Melon

This sweet melon has approximately 64 calories per serving, which is slightly more than a cantaloupe. However, honeydew melon contains over half of the recommended daily value of vitamin C, as well as copper which supports healthy skin

While there is no such thing as a healthy zero-calorie food, these fruits and vegetables are about as close as it gets.

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