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RE: Looking up and In

in #lookingup6 years ago

The east side of Manhatten has always held a special fascination for me with their 16th-century revival styling. This section of town, close to Grand Central and in spitting distance of The United Nations had a very checkered past and was considered sketchy at many points of its existance.

Who would have guessed with its now historical tag and how meticulous their renovations have been.

You have caught the grandeur and beauty of the elevated elegance of these buildings! I love your view! Thanks for sharing this with us!



I am working in the right part of town if it is or was Sketchy I am so sketchy :)

You’re always so kind and supportive, I needed a lovely warm comment like this today was gettign grumpy for a minute there but now all is good :)

Well, my other comment... it must have been a lie because steemit ate it. I'll have to try better on this one. I am always glad to leave you a comment, because of all the comments that I leave, you are probably one of the nicest commenters back. if that made any sense to you. Well I hope that you're grumpy is over and in my experience, it's usually another person that causes this kind of grief, but I hope that's not the case with you. It is actually almost time to go home again, hooray hooray!

I snuck out just a few minutes ago I guess grumpy wasn’t the right word frustrated may be a better word and yes it was sort of caused by a person the Drs assistant in this case the dermatologist who did the biopsy last Friday came back positive and not sure why I let that frustrate me this is number 15 after all but after a year and two checks of all clear I guess I was foolishly hoping I wouldn’t get any more

But walking to the train I looked at the positive side it’s the best type or least worrying type to get and a quick little surgery will deal with it, best to catch it early and will mean two less days I have to commute into the city, and lastly good to catch them early and dealt with.

So no reason at all to get frustrated I am normally so positive it must be weather related 😂

Not sure about me giving nice comments back but they may be the most fun laughing at my often inappropriate typos and how I wonder off on a tangent so often


Oh come on now! That's half the fun of it! I can sit and commute and throughout wanted inappropriate words or not so much inappropriate as misused. But with so much going on around you sometimes I just miss the obvious.

Starting the biopsies oh, yes I would be grumpy too. And there will never be an end or an all-clear to it, in case you were thinking there was. That's why it's more important that you keep on getting checked even if you are all clear. I am guessing at one of these days mine will come up the same because as far as I am and as much time as I spent in the sun my entire life oh, it's almost a given. For you, all the time you spent in tropical places without the benefit of sunscreen or anything else because after all, you are Superman or the super immune man. Aren't we all young and foolish and mostly uninformed for the jobs that we are doing. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

So, I'm glad that you have gotten over the disappointment or more to the point you have resolved to take a different look on it. I'm glad that it is something that they can control and just take a nip. One office visit and it's over with. To have two less days to commute is a huge bonus. I hope your commute is better than mine was. LOL

Yeah I know full well this will be a regular thing for me add to the things you listed growing up in NZ with the weak ozone layer is also a big factor but I should embrace that I have now had more ones found and removed than any of my family or friends and even the Drs are surprised by how many I have had already a pity they don’t offer a frequent snip card like they do fir frequent flyers 😎

Haha!! You'll have to pardon my laughter but that really was funny!

Better to laugh then to dwell too much on it. As long as you are doing your due diligence, you're going to be fine. And that's the best part of it.

Exactly and my due diligence I am doing in fact I may we’ll be doing enough due diligence to cover for our neighbors as well 😎

Hehe... check enough so I don't have to, would you???

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