
Thanks! I appreciate all the support you give me for my photography.

I appreciate all the support you’ve given me. And, I think you take great pictures!

I think you take great pictures as well. That curry photo you posted yesterday looked so tasty I had some for dinner at an Irish restaurant (Indian curry, not Japanese) last night.

Thanks. One of these days I have to take the next step and buy a real camera.

You had Indian curry at an Irish restaurant? That sounds funny to me, but I can’t say that I’ve been to many Irish restaurants, just a few pubs.

It was listed on the menu as "traditional pub food." I guess it's from India having been a British colony?

It makes sense in a way. I’m not really surprised. I’ve just never heard of curry being served in an Irish pub before. Then again, the only Irish pubs I’ve ever been to have been in Upstate New York and Japan. @eroche would be a good person to ask about this. He used to do a Dublin Pub Review series.

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