
small animals with a big impact 🙈 I know 😅

That was a great coment , sooo true they give s huge impact 🙄😂

Is not it always the case in our lives? 😉

Every journey starts with the first step. Every conversation starts with a word. Every big tree was once a tiny seed. We were tiny too ...😅

True that😜🙄😂
Everything starts with a step..~~
Wer sure was and they do say, wer all grown up now to.. who knew🙄🤭😂😂😜

Sometimes it's better ... not knowing everything 😉

Said who???🙄😱😂 about what? 😉😜

I realized ... sometimes it's not good ... too much thinking about life and our system. About politics, media, medicine, work, social affairs and money.
Are we really free?
Or are we just there to make the rich even richer?
I'm thinking of Rothschild, Rockefeller, DuPont, Onassis, Kennedy, Roche, Pfizer, Novartis and many more.
Or are we all just little insects?

That's why I think ... maybe it's better not to know everything.

Sometimes I think a lot ... sometimes I just live and enjoy the nice day ... That's the way I am 😉

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