No Escape at The London Cryptocurrency Show

The Morning After The Weekend Before

So here I am, sitting in front of my computer screen. It's a beautiful day so I can't complain about the grey skies but still I feel a bit blah! Part of me wants to get outside and enjoy the sun. Part of me wants to write this post.

I've been at the computer for a couple of hours and, apart from catching up on some commenting and replying to comments, I haven't been very productive.

It's the morning after the weekend before.

It was such fun going to The London Cryptocurrency Show and hanging out with all the wonderful Steemians that were there, so that now, alone again in front of the computer screen, I'm feeling a bit flat. 😢

So . . . where do I start with this post . . . ?

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Well, there are already a number of really great posts with lots of pictures and tags of the people who were there so I don't really want to do another one of those (which is just as well as I don't have any photographs) and you can find them easily if you search #cryptocurrencyshow. 😁

I tell a lie, I do have this one photograph . . . 😂

I started the day as I meant to go on but, alas, this was pretty much the beginning and end of my photographing endeavours. (Apart from the Steepshot one which I posted yesterday).

I don't seem to have it in me to take photographs and mingle at the same time, which, on my return yesterday, I was thinking I needed to improve, but this morning has morphed into . . . "so what".

Which segues very nicely into a what "Steemit has meant to me" type moment, and it's not what you think! 😁

Now . . . I could wax lyrical about all the wonderful people I've met, and the "money" I've earned, and the fun I've had and the amazing variety of stuff I've learned, but, since I'm firmly in a Morning After The Weekend Before funk I'm not going to do that.

Instead I'm going to talk about the opportunity that Steemit offers to stare yourself in the face, warts and all, if you're open to it.

For example, just this simple realisation, that I'd started to think I needed to take more photographs at events such as The London Cryptocurrency Show, highlighted for me my tendency to follow the crowd rather to do stuff my own way and I was happy to catch that quickly.

This is maybe something that not a lot of Steemians relate to, given that it's a cutting edge sort of place, but for me, standing up and doing it my way, instead of what I perceive as the "right" way is a constant challenge.

There are many examples of where being on Steemit has helped me to see more clearly the stuff that I do that' I'd rather not do, and where I'm following the crowd rather than making my own choices.

From that perspective it's no different really from any other environment we find ourselves in is it?

Because, in the end it's how open we are to staring ourselves in the face, warts and all, that's makes the difference as to what we see.

What about you? Have you seen stuff within yourself that you'd rather not see, since you've been on Steemit? 😍

Well that was a bit of a turn up for the books. I wasn't expecting to write that. I think I've earned my walk in the sun now.

Later, I'll post the video I mentioned yesterday of @stephenkendal and I. It's more what you'd expect. It's about followers and dollars and stuff and me getting a little bit over excited! 😂


Steemit certainly has made me realize that I wasn't as good a writer as I originally thought, I've been doing my best to improve since

That's interesting @empress-eremmy. I hope you're enjoying it. Thank you for joining in the conversation! 😊

I think I spent the better part of the first half of my life doing things the way others would or would have me do. The latter part of my life so far, while not completely changed, I've been trying to do things more the way I think they should be done. It's not an easy task.

Here on Steemit, though, it's been easier. Since so much of it is learn as you go, some things have morphed a bit from my original intent or ideas, but for the most part, the rest are holding true. That's probably due to the fact that many of the things you might do elsewhere on the internet do have an application here.

I'm glad you got the time to reflect. Your blahs gave you the opportunity to write the post that needed to come out. And now those of us who get the chance to read it can also look at what we're doing and what we want to do versus what we find ourselves doing. It's a good contrast to make, and it's always good to evaluate ourselves and see where we are with how we feel about what we are or aren't accomplishing. :)

Thank you for the vote of confidence @glenalbrethsen. I'm glad it gave you the inspiration to reflect a bit. I'm never quite sure when I write a post like this one. Especially in the context it was in and when everyone else is posting more of a diary type post. 😍

I would think the "diary" post would be the expected thing to do. But if you're not feeling it, forcing yourself to do it isn't really going to help, is it? Eventually this post would come out anyway, and so why not just do it when you're feeling it and then move on?

Exactly, I can only write what I'm feeling at the time @glenalbrethsen. If I'd written a diary type post it would have been pretty boring I think.

One of the challenges I have is that I often write posts in my head and then, when I sit down at the computer, I have no desire to write them anymore. 😂 Not so much on Steemit but when I was blogging on a Wordpress site.

I tried using dragon naturally speaking but that didn't work either. It's not such a problem here since most of my posts are based on the photography contests and either require research or are fairly quick to write.

I'm constantly finding that what I have written in my head doesn't translate so well when placed in the text window. Not sure why that is, other than I understand what i'm trying to say while it's up there, but the fingers don't seem to get it. :)

I'm going to guess that meeting the people and talking to them about what they're doing and maybe sharing something of your own thoughts was your reason for being there—the interaction and the possible relationship building—more than it was to discover new cryptocurrencies or get into the weeds about upcoming ICOs. Or whatever else they talked about.

And I'm going to guess that a lot of what you would have otherwise shared ended up in that video I'm still working my way through my feed to see. :) So, if it's all been done by you and others, what else is there really?

A post of how blah you're feeling and how going your own way is the way to go, of course. :)

I'm going to guess that meeting the people and talking to them about what they're doing and maybe sharing something of your own thoughts was your reason for being there—the interaction and the possible relationship building—more than it was to discover new cryptocurrencies or get into the weeds about upcoming ICOs.

Spot on @glenalbrethsen. I did go with the intention of listening to some talks but, apart from the Promo Steem, I got bored really quickly so only tried a couple. Apart from the one we played 'rent a crowd' at. 😁

Philosophical stuff @gillianpearce, thank you for sharing your day out and post event thoughts 😁

Steemit gives me the chance to do what I think is right, it's in person I struggle to have the balls to do so at times ☺️

You are welcome @abh12345. Thank you for the repost. Another first! 😁

Thanks for joining the conversation too. I appreciate your honesty. It's good to share our human struggles sometimes, I think. 💙

It's my pleasure. And yes I agree, hearing 'real talk' as I think the cool kids call it, is the uniqueness we all can share little of which makes this place interesting 😊

Hmm, I think Steemit has provided me with opportunities to do what I wanted to do. For a long time now, I've wanted to get out on Sunday mornings, just to enjoy being outside. Joining the running project has opened that up and keeps presenting new opportunities. It has brought me face to face with the realities of trying to change things in your life!

Glad to heat Steemit is having a positive effect @shanibeer. I find the same as far as getting out more is concerned. Joining in the photograph contest means I'm always on the look out for good shots so am walking a lot more than I was.

For example I have just one for a long neighbourhood walk to try and find some red images for a contest and now I'm sitting in a cafe writing this having just photographed my coffee and cake! 😁

Have a fund day and thank you for joining in the conversation. I appreciate it!

I don't think I have learned anything new about myself, but Steemit has made me realize that the traits I have seen within myself play out here as well. I am who I am, and I really see no reason to change, as I really do like who I am!

That's great to hear @melinda010100. 💙

And, I agree, I haven't learned anything new about myself either. It's exactly as you say. We operate on Steemit as we operate in the wider world.

It's just that some of those traits are highlighted for me here! 😁

Thanks so much for joining the conversation. I appreciate it! 😍

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