The curious case of alderman and London!

in #london5 years ago


The city of London, brexit, bankers &? Alderman/Aldermen!

A new mayor was voted for in the city, the city of London, the corporation - not to be confused with London the sprawling mess. I have covered before about the "city" and it's many centuries old status as a corporation, it's number one status as the worlds leading banking clearing house too.

The new mayor was blackballed by Alderman peoples. What are they? Quite a lot of knighted "sirs" and ladies!.....

There are some links below, should you want to fully get to grip with this.

  1. London the corporation "city" The City has a resident population of 9,401 =

  2. London mayor blackballed. =

  3. Alderman people =

2 of the people on the Alderman list that protect the city are also QC'S.

Queen's Counsel.

A Queen's Counsel, or King's Counsel during the reign of a king, is an eminent lawyer who is appointed by the Monarch to be one of "Her Majesty's Counsel learned in the law." The term is also recognised as honorific.'s_Counsel

List of those known as Alderman =

Bronek Masojada (Alderman)   
Emma Edhem (Alderman)   
Susan Langley (Alderwoman)   
Robert Charles Hughes-Penney (Alderman)   
Sir Charles Edward Beck Bowman (Alderman)   
Ian David Luder (Alderman)   
Nicholas Anstee (Alderman)   
Sir David Hugh Wootton (Alderman)   
Sir Roger Gifford (Alderman)   
Sir Alan Colin Drake Yarrow (Alderman)   
Sir Andrew Charles Parmley, (Alderman)   
Alison Gowman (Alderman)   
David Andrew Graves (Alderman)   
John Garbutt (Alderman)   
William Anthony Bowater Russell (Alderman)   
Timothy Russell Hailes (Alderman)   
Professor Michael Raymond Mainelli (Alderman)   
Sheriff Vincent Thomas Keaveny (Alderman)   
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, Alderman Peter Estlin   
The Rt Hon the Baroness Patricia Scotland of Asthal, QC (Alderman)   
Robert Picton Seymour Howard (Alderman)   
Alastair John Naisbitt King (Alderman)   
Gregory Jones QC (Alderman)   
Nicholas Stephen Leland Lyons (Alderman)   
Prem Goyal (Alderman)   


There is a video of why the mayor was blackballed on youtube, blackballed means undemocratic-ally not allowed to be the mayor, due to the above people, even though he was "voted for with a 78% majority of the peoples votes"........... He wanted these people to be held accountable too, so was shown the exit door!.....

"An elected City of London alderman yesterday won his case in the Court of Appeal against a "secretive and undemocratic" decision to bar him from office.

Millionaire businessman Malcolm Matson was "blackballed" by the Corporation's 25-member court of aldermen.

Mr Matson, 51, challenged the rules that enabled the aldermen to reject him even though he had been elected last November with 78 per cent of the vote in the Bread Street ward."

You might think this is old news, but it does tie in with current events, the new laws due to go into force next January to regulate banks (European ones) so that money laundering, offshore banking (think Panama papers) and tax evasion by the so called elites, Politicians, and drug barons, to name but a few, are traceable.

Brexit and the departure from the European union is everything to do with all those people named above, every single Alderman is a million or Billionaire, yes I have checked. And every single one of them wants to protect the "corporation that is the city of London" as it suits their furthering of wealth, via unaccountable means!.........

Brexit also suits Nigel the fake Farrage and all wealthy (million and billionaire poli-ticians (Theresa Mays husband & tax evader - she was prime minister of the UK until last month!)......

Theresa May’s husband is a senior executive at a $1.4tn investment fund that profits from tax avoiding companies

More on this complicated place at another time, hope I find you all fit and well.


Great to see you back here my friend! And very interesting points to write about. Brexit is indeed a giant smoke screen for so many issues and thank you for reminding people that the city of London is out of this world, literally ;)

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Hey my friend, thank you very kindly, I had some spare time of late, so thought I might pitch in a few articles, whilst time allows. good to see you too.

I say we buy you one of those fancy hats and call it

:-) any donations gratefully received (except hats with a "D" on them).................

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