Making a Large Steemit Stamp To Stamp Things/People! (Part One!!)
I'm up to my old Shenanigans again! Thought I might make a steemit Logo Stamp to help promote steemit and........ because who does not like stamping things.
There is alot of things one might want to stamp! So today let's have some fun and see how positive we can make this!
First off I mustered up some materials. In the photo above you can see I cut the steemit logo out of a piece of paper and taped it to a piece of cork board. I used my scribe to trace a slightly larger outline of the shape.
Next up I got my jigsaw out and prepared to cut the shape that I trace with my scribe!
I put a fine laminate blade in the jigsaw and clamp the piece of cork board to my workbench.
Here's how the piece looks after I cut it out! Then I pulled out my hundred and 20 grit sanding block to take down the rough edges.
Kind of looks like a trump head from the back side at this angle! I'll give this a coat of paint in a later step!
Next Step was to trace the steemit logo on the cork side of the board.
I trace the outline with a black pen as you see here!
Next with a sharp knife I cut down through the layer of cork along the outline of the steemit logo. I also cut slits along a diagonal pattern. And then remove the I need a material with a chisel.
Slowly but surely all the material is removed!
The step is self-explanatory!
Next I painted the top of the stamp silver. Here's a photo after the first coat!
After the silver paint dried I painted the outline of the bottom of the stamp steem blue!
Here is what the paper outline I made looks like after the blue!
That's all for part 1. Stop by for part 2 where we complete the stamp and start stamping some s*! Neighbor's car and Facebook users beware!!
January 06/2017
Thank you for using @echowhale service
I wish I had skills like you , one day you’re making sculptures , next day lighting things on fire and now this
I wish I had the writing skills you have!
Maybe one day I will build a renewable energy machine! But I might need more of the steemit communities help and your brother's! 🍃
Hey that is pretty cool, thanks putting this together. Will you use ink, if so what kind?
I was thinking of use spray Panit to start with! And thankfully the paint companies new color is steemit green!

I might use truth serum for Facebook users!
I also got steemit green duct tape! But not for the stamp, that's more the Canadian in me!
Yes! What is your truth serum recipe?
That is pretty cool! I used to make morroccan style blinds with a router jig I designed... Too much sawdust for my preferences, though... LOL...
But I wonder what size am I looking at, with your stamp? I can't tell if it is on the jigsaw/router table, or if that's a canvas?
It measures approximately 150 mm across and is cut out of cork board!
Yes, sawdust always makes my nose itchy!
Great name @occupywallets!
It's the name I use for my moneyart, LOL!