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RE: Your Logical Fallacy Is...

in #logic8 years ago

You used argument from ignorance twice .

Also I think slippery slope is an kinda of easy to abuse fallacy. In the sense that I often see it claimed where it does not apply. So careful with that one.

And the example for hasty generalization is debatable, especially on steemit. Depends on one's definition of evil. For an anarchist the concept of government is evil so all government are evil by default of being governments, it is not a hasty generalization.


For an anarchist the concept of government is evil so all government are evil by default of being governments, it is not a hasty generalization.

Well, I am anarchist and i don't find all goverments evil. e.g Swtizerland is pretty close to anarchic governance

Well ... ehm ... what? huh ...


One can be an atheist and not find churches evil. Atheism is the default human state
Same applies with goverment. We are all born humans on a planet floating through space.

Just because I was baptised Christian or found myself into a state it doesn't mean I don't have a choice to do as I wish.

And yes. Switzerland is pretty much anarchic. People have maximum freedom. You can also join Liberland in Europe which has completely anarchic governance.

Tell that to the atheist that lived in the times of the inquisition.

I've been in Switzerland it is not anarchistic it's a bureaucratic hell hole.

selective attention is not an argument but a logical fallacy.

I don't know why I could not reply to your reaction that said; selective attention is not an argument but a logical fallacy. I clicked the reply button...wrote something...try to post it and then it said something like; "6 posts deep" (no can do)
Can you tell me why that is?
I'll write the reaction later.

You give in your article the example; “Governments are evil” And say it's a hasty generalisation.
It could be that I say “government is evil” to someone who stil believes government is a real thing
But otherwise it's not usefull to say it like that It is not precise enought.

Ionescur describes it saying
//For an anarchist the concept of government is evil so all government are evil by default of being governments, it is not a hasty generalization. //

He or maybe she, say's the CONCEPT of government is evil.
Government is not real it does not exist.
The evil from “government” is not done by “government” but by individuals who DO evil things because they hallucinate that they may do this evil stuff, because of their believe that there is a government and that it's a good thing.
They are lead to believe this, because some people who pretend to be speaking for the not existing government told them so.

The concept of government gives people an excuse to do evil deeds, and since all the deeds that flow from the believe in the concept of government are evil, the concept of government is evil.
There is no good in the initial deeds that follow from the believe in the concept of government.

Well you may say
If a policeman prevents murder, you could say that that is something that the “government” did good. Government didn't stop that murder the individual did. Only individuals can do deeds, concepts can't.

In other words.
A good, bad or whatever deed of an individual, can not be ascribed to a “government”
It can only be ascribed to the individual, maybe the individual say's I did it as a government employee, but there is no such thing as an goverment employee.

Government is the excuse that all individuals that believe in it use to explain away the evil things that manifests in reality, trying to sell the evil as wel as the belief that caused the evil as being good.

I don't buy it.

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