Is Hyperinflation coming to the West?

in #lockdown4 years ago

#BigReset - "Is #Hyperinflation coming to the West?"

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#Lockdown #Economy

As the Global Economy and Global Financial and Banking System continues to haemorrhage right in front of our very eyes, there is no getting away from the fact that this is a Catastrophic Financial Crisis and History in the making.

Contrary to popular belief, the cause of this Financial Crisis we are all witnessing, is due solely to Decades of financial abuse and Monetary Policies that has seen Debt, Derivatives and Stimulus from Governments and Central Banks completely out of control.

It is these out of control Monetary Policies predominantly made up of Unregulated Financial Derivatives that has now left us with nothing more than a System that is now Systemically Flawed and on the brink of complete and utter collapse.


As the World comes to grips with the pace of this Financial Collapse, I am often asked about my take on #Hyperinflation.

For those unfamiliar with what #Hyperinflation is, it is merely the out of control rise of Inflation brought on by the rapid decline in a Country's Currency when measured against the transfer of Goods and Services with which the Currency is being used.

Simply put, it is the lack of faith in the Currency of the Country and when more of the same Currency is chasing fewer goods.

Effectively, Currency that is printed out of thin air by Governments and Central Banks.

Think of a situation where a Government and Central Bank continues to print more Currency, simple to pay for servicing of the Debt it has taken on and measured against the faith in the people willing to hold the same Currency as a store of value over a period of time.

On other words, once the lack of trust in the Currency goes, it will simply be a spiralling decent into the gutter and the prices for Goods and Services will go through the roof.

Add in a Supply / Demand problem where demand outstrips supply and the pace of #Hyperinflation will simply accelerate exponentially.

Is #Hyperinflation coming to the West?

I guess it leads to the question for the title of the Blog ...." #Hyperinflation coming to the West?"

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Well yes....

Well yes, unless someone can tell me how the hell Governments and Central Banks in the West intend to pay off the hundreds of trillions in Debt that has been amassed over a very short period, against a backdrop of continued Currency Printing, Negative Interest Rates, a growing Mountain of Debt and Economy that they have all but switched off.

Few examples

For those that have had no experience of what their World would look like should #Hyperinflation come to their Country, I have put together this small compilation of fifteen short videos which should help explain the causes and effective of #Hyperinflation.


Video 1 - 15 (2:18min)
The Worst Cases Of Hyperinflation In History

Credit: EXO PICTURES/YouTube

Video 2 - 15 (0:45min)
Venezuela garbage money…

Credit: AKAtheHuss/YouTube

Video 3 - 15 (1:52min)
Is Hyperinflation a Threat for the United States or European Union Nations? A One Minute Perspective

Credit: One Minute Economics/YouTube

Video 4 - 15 (2:10min)
Venezuela's currency crisis explained

Credit: Financial Times/YouTube

Video 5 - 15 (2:40min)
Basic Food Supplies Requires Millions of Bolivars in Venezuela

Credit: PatrynWorldLatestNew/YouTube

Video 6 - 15 (1:52min)
What To Do With the Worthless Money of Venezuela?

Credit: Travels By Trike/YouTube

Video 7 - 15 (4:19min)
Zimbabwe and Hyperinflation: Who Wants to Be a Trillionaire?

Credit: Marginal Revolution University/YouTube

Video 8 - 15 (1:11min)
Hyperinflation is coming to America Pt 2


Video 9 - 15 (1:00min)
Hyperinflation fears grow as global borrowing skyrockets

Credit: Sky News Australia/YouTube

Video 10 - 15 (2:07min)
Hyperinflation Explained - What happened to Germany and Venezuela?

Credit: Banknote World/YouTube

Video 11 - 15 (2:40min)
Museums in Caracas strained by hyperinflation and power outages

Credit: CGTN America/YouTube

Video 12 - 15 (2:12min)
Zimbabwe Hyper Inflation in Under 2 Years

Credit: Glenn W./YouTube

Video 13 - 15 (2:51min)
Ordinary Venezuelans struggle with hyperinflation

Credit: euronews (in English)/YouTube

Video 14 - 15 (3:37min)
Colombia: Venezuelans make handbags out of worthless banknotes

Credit: Ruptly/YouTube

Video 15 - 15 (2:57min)
Venezuelans recycle worthless bolivar bills into crafts

Credit: AP Archive/YouTube

Thanks again for reading and watching.



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