Attended a Local Hocky Game and LOVED It!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #local-hockey6 years ago


Snowy, Icy Roads Be Dammed, We Had FUN

I turn 50 years old this year and have NEVER attended a hockey game. I will admit that I don't have a "bucket list" nor have I watched that movie. We just received some free tickets from my husband's place of work and that was that.....we were going to my first hockey game.

We just had a snow storm Friday AND we live in the country, so my husband had to get the plow attachment on the tracker to clear our quarter mile drive-way. We also saw that the new guy clearing our country roads must have gotten a sturdy talking to because our roads were much better than the last 2 snow storms we had after Thanksgiving, and just about a week ago. (We usually get more ice than snow in northwest Kansas, so I love the soft powdery stuff.)

Supporting Smaller Venues is Important

While there were loads of people, we did not fill up all the seating. Even so, the crowd had its avid supporters which added to the overall flavor of the event. Someone was using an overturned 5 gallon plastic bucket as a drum. Several kids had these long plastic horns to blow into and they seemed to be enjoying their task with relish. Cow bells were also an item used to express support for the Topeka Pilots. I loved it. Maybe I would have felt differently if those people were right next to me. Since there was plenty of seating, we could have moved (and we did to sit next to friends).

We had to stand in a LONG line since our tickets were complimentary. No matter. People watching fascinates me. I have been a yoga and movement teacher for 20 years, so I get to see people's postures and how they walk with the shoe choices they make.

By the time my husband got his popcorn and water (also complimentary per my husband's jog and it was a celebration of emergency services night, too), we had missed about 20 minutes of the game. The Pilot's were down 2 goals.

I was There to Watch the GAME!!

While others were busy chatting and catching up, I had my eyes glued to the game. I have always had a dream of being proficient on ice but never the means of which to achieve such a goal. This game was a way to watch the professionals perform their craft while I cheered them on. The bonus, for me, was watching them gain a much deserved and hard earned victory over the Jack o' Lopes (from Odessa, I believe).

Lots of body slams against the plexi-glass, a few fist-to-cuff fights, and we even had a hockey puck fly in our direction. (I was a little disappointed that the two boys in the seats below us didn't try to catch it. A nice lady closer to the plexi-glass came over and handed it to them.)

pilots mascot.jpg

Fun for the Whole Family

I really enjoyed the aspect that this was an event for all ages. There were lots of families in attendance, and the kids were involved in all aspects of the event. Not only were children of all ages and sizes watching but there were elementary school aged kids on the ice during the end of the periods to help with clean up and refilling the team's water bottles.

At half-time there was a tug-o-war event: the boy scouts (with the "help" of the mascot) vs. the first responders. And yes, this tug-o-war was on the ice. In the end, after a hard earned struggle, the boy scouts won!! It was fun and funny. I am glad it wasn't me out there on the ice. Several people fell during their struggle just to pull on the rope.

Then they had some contest where you purchased a rubber hockey puck to throw out on the ice. There were various mats that if your puck landed (and stayed) on that business' mat, you would win a gift certificate from that local business. Easier said than done. Many didn't seem to either have aim or the real desire. They just threw the hockey puck and hoped for the best. My favorite part of that event was the little tikes clean-up crew. There were AT LEAST 50 enthusiastic kiddos that were willing to go out on the ice and pick-up all the plastic pucks (to be used again at the next game). Their enthusiasm was contagious!

Your Never Too Old to Try Something New

My husband and I had a wonderful time last night. I told him I would definitely like to attend another Pilot's game in the future. Maybe not every home game, but it is nice to know there is a place to enjoy a night out where all ages can have fun!

Stay warm, be well, and God bless!!

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