The Leap

in #loa7 years ago

“Leap and The Net Will Appear” -John Burroughs

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I am inspired to talk today about the leap. What I mean by the leap, some people call it the leap of faith, or the jump, or the letting go. It is the letting go of what you think you are to embrace what you might become. The letting go of how you think life is supposed to go. The surrendering of control of your life to your heart’s desire. The full release of the fear and the doubt.

I have a very dear friend who is a skydiver. She’s done hundreds and hundreds of jumps, and she says that no matter how many times she's done it, there's still that feeling of anxiousness before the door opens. An intense fear, a rollercoaster of emotions, even basic bodily instincts, and every time she has to push through them. “You have to move past them and jump.” If you are thinking, “Yeah you are talking about plummeting to your death or do you know how many people have died doing that?” Then you understand the fear and that my friends is exactly what happens in life.

I talk a lot about the passion and inspiration, that part of you that comes alive. When you can channel your inner self and time loses all sense of relevancy, where you just are pure creativity. Lost in inspired action. Every one of us has a gift, some more than one, but everybody has at least one. And yet so many people think they can't make money with their gift. "Oh, I can't make money at painting. I can't make money with my poetry. I would love to sing but there is no money it. I can't do this. I can't do that. There's no money in it." They present the arguments why they can’t do something without ever even trying.


But remember the quote at the beginning, the net WILL appear. What so many don't understand is that they will be taken care of by Universe. No matter what you call it, call it life, either way, you will be taken care of. You will be guided because to be inspired to be something means that there is a path to become that thing that you want, to do that thing that you want to do. Otherwise, the inspiration would be a cruel joke if there was no way to get it, it would be a punishment instead of a loving gift. That is not the place we live in.

This leap of faith may not necessarily be to quit your job and write poetry full-time, even though if that's what your passion is, then, by all means, do it. But everybody who's ever been a success has had to leap. Almost every great achiever has a similar story in their life. They had to say to themselves, "I don't care anymore about paying bills, about doing taxes, about any of this stuff. I know what I want and I'm going toward it. It is calling me and I'm going. I don't care if I make 20 bucks a day." There are young girls who dream of being models out there that go to Italy making 10 bucks a day just to get their dream. So many people would do anything, and if you're not willing to give up the 9:00 to 5:00 then that's all you'll ever have.

But I promise you this: if you are afraid to leap then you believe in the fear more than you believe in the net. You believe in your doubts more than you believe in yourself.

The net will come. I mean there might be bumps and bruises along the way. You might lose people if you could ever really have or lose a person, but you'll always be guided. You will always be shown the way if you follow your heart's calling. It is a calling because your heart, soul, source, higher self, whatever you call it knows exactly who you really are, knows exactly what you want, and is already there calling you toward it. One of my favorite writers and speakers, Abraham Hicks, talks about it like a GPS system. You punch in your coordinates to where you want to go, and the GPS guides you there. It never punishes you for how long you take. It never gets mad at any wrong turns. It just constantly is guiding you where you need to go. That is your emotion. That is your heart. That is what you love, calling you to where you need to go.


But you will have to leap, meaning you have to let go of all the fears and doubts and haters. Your fears want one thing: to keep you safe. However, you will always be safe, always, because the net will be there, the guidance will be there. People will come, but you have to take that leap. You must push open the door on the plane. You have to jump. You have to believe in yourself.

I myself leaped, many, many years ago so I’m speaking from experience. I had a decent life. I had a lovely girlfriend, sweet as can be, a good stable career that I was very, very good at. I had a nice place live, a new truck, friends, a fun social life, but I knew, just like I've always known, that was not my life. I had always heard that call. I’ll never forget the day when someone told me, "Hey, just 30 more years till retirement," I wanted to shoot myself because I knew I would never do that. I knew that something more was calling me.

Some people think you just leap into that life, that it's like a door opening and all the floodgates of riches pour onto you. It doesn't work that way exactly, not for me anyway, not for most stories I've heard either. You see, you have to keep leaping. You have to leap once and then do it again, and again, maybe not to different careers, but to the different things that scare you, things you have to overcome, things about yourself that you have to learn. You just have to keep doing it, because the same thing that's holding you back will keep trying to manipulate you.

The fear of failure, of looking stupid, fear of going broke, the fear of whatever the case may be, it'll keep persisting until you finally let all the fear go. That is why you have to keep pushing past the fear and jumping. You have to leap so many times it becomes a habit and you expect the universe to catch you. Because it will, but you believe it 100%, not 99.5 but 100% through and through. You have to leap enough times and become so practiced at it that you literally know that everything will work out, that you trust your intuition, you trust your gut, you trust your inspiration, you trust your calling, your purpose.


Until that time comes, you will be afraid. There will be challenges. There will be many things you need to learn, but you are never alone, and the universe will never let you fall. You might go to depths you never knew existed only to rise from the ashes, stronger, wiser, better, faster, stronger. At that point, when you truly understand that you are divinely guided by your heart and you can walk, speak, and move with the confidence that the Universe always has your back. Then don't need to leap anymore because you can fly. All perceived obstacles will be beneath, just another thing to learn from, another lesson to help you grow, something new to be inspired from.

Napoleon Hill said, "What the mind of a man can concieve and believe, it can achieve." The key is you have to believe it 100%, without doubt, without fear, without worry. All those things will stop it. The time is now. The place is here. Leap.

Good Journey My Friends


Excellent advice for all Humans!

To learn about leaping and believing in the net, just watch a cat at play; a cat exploring. It never even occurs to a cat that things will not turn out. Yes, of course we can get into a philosophical debate over Humans and "higher consciousness," but the cat metaphor stands. The cat simply evaluates the distance from the table to the top of the fridge and just knows it will make it. Then it leaps. There are no doubts.

Thank you for providing quality content on Steemit!


I like it @curatorcat, looking at nature and animals is amazing evidence of trust

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