Late Night Steemit Cafe #33: The Invincible Heart

in #lnsc7 years ago

Today when you saunter into the cafe, a gallant knave confronts you at the door. He's carrying a sword and shield and gives you the evil eye.

"Kind person, I am here to take your life and challenge you to a duel. Do you accept?"

You raise an eyebrow, considering what to do. But The Manager arrives and interrupts.

"Our dear friend here has surely caused you no offence. What and wherefore do you want a duel?"

The knave eyes you with a wicked smile despite the fact that he is dressed nearly the same as a knight, chainmail and all.

"Their only offense was being worth killing. For they possess the invincible heart, which as you know is of incalculable value."

He draws his sword and holds it over his left eye, locking his right on you.

"Reveal to me the truth, oh soothsaying sword."

At a glow a light points from the top of his sword to your heart, which seems to project out of your chest as a glowing red-white orb.

"Ah," the knave says greedily. But you are having none of it. If it's a fight he wants, it's one he shall have. Without rhyme or reason you prepare to fight him, and the glowing heart turns to a brilliant red hot sword in your hands. Yet it does not burn you.

He looks concerned, but regains his composure.

"This is a mythical lost sword. I have taken great pains to acquire it, and none can defeat it."

You inform him that you're not convinced, brandishing your sword. He attacks, striking with deadly precision. But you manage a nearly impossible parry, throwing the sword from his hands.

He falls to his knees.

"Please, I beg forgiveness."

The Manager says nothing, but eyes you with a blank expression.

Your heart, the sword, whispers to you what to do. And you listen, intending to obey it.

Follow: @jenkinrocket


Cool! Love reading these @jenkinrocket. Truly unique.

I really enjoy the hell out of these posts. They're just the right balance of strange and interesting, with absurdity and strange familiarity throughout them. Keep them coming, boss!

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