My Turning Point.....

in #llife6 years ago

Continue from... (Some Time It's come back to me....)

I have another bad experience my urine catheter in my life. After my surgery I become very comfortable for my daily life with my Suprapubic cystostomy (SPC). My catheter no more blockage and urine flow regularly. All my catheter I choose to change every two weeks after my wound is heal and remove my stitches.


We engage with home nursing foundation and this time we can change regularly. So far very smooth without fail and everything seems like under control. I also start to do my daily exercises and start feeling I need to move on in my daily life and I need to stand tall for my son. In my heart, I set my goal that for me to achieve was I want to push my wheelchair by myself.

The motivation was came from one of my physio therapy. She always concern us even after we were discharge from hospital. She always organise meet up section for old patients at somewhere at park or shopping mall to push our wheelchair by ourselves and doing thing by our own. Something like, ordering foods, inquiry when we lost, how to get back into the public and how to take public transport.


Especially for me was much more challenge for most of all thing. Firstly because of my high disability and secondly was I need to prepare my accessories to suit to my condition. I found out myself was I do not have sitting endurance for long hours. After sitting and pushing more than 10 minutes, I become flat energy and need to rest for the rest of the day.


My body cannot resist anymore and aching everywhere and need to apply paint remover until next day. I realized that I need to something to get to suit with community. So I request my wife to bring me downstairs and to get fresh air for myself. It is really feel fresh after hiding in my room for more than 5 months.

I remember one evening, my wife ask me to go to park near house, but I refuse to go. Because I feel like shameful and useless. I just break through hiding from my room and start to overcome to see community with different life. I told her to go by herself but she keep waiting for me. She push our son with pram and my helper push my wheelchair.

I feel like everyone look at me like I came from another planet.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)


nice photo and happily

we need to find our own happiness from our heart.

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ေက်းဇူးပါ။ ေနာက္လဲ အားေပးပါေနာ္။

Really ! Are your son?

yes he is. now he is 7 years old.

It's great to hear that you are feeling better and getting out of the house for some fresh air. Yes, fresh air is good for your health and also it gives you confidence. You might feel uncomfortable with people staring, but after a while, you will get used to it. Best wishes.

yes, it is very hard to overcome for the first time. now i getting use to it. but it is become memory of my life.

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