I Feel Pain Too...

in #llife6 years ago

Continue from... (Lovely moment is always around us.)

Day by day I have pushed my wheelchair almost everyday and feel like getting stronger. At evening after I get shower by my helper and we went down to park. For the morning me and my helper start to visiting around our neighbourhood area and exploring everywhere. Most of the place my helper pushed my wheelchair and we looking for good teste of local foods.


We tried to go almost everywhere every morning and we came home about 11.00 Am. We eat breakfast at coffeehouse around woodlands area where is near my location. It is also good for me to practice ordering my own foods and for other, because my helper is new in Singapore and does not know what to order.

At the time my son was still young and he still sleep at the morning. After me and my helper comeback from morning exercise my son nanny shower for my son and I have chance to stay together with him. I showed him some baby music and story from youtube and he enjoyed a lot. After watching for half and hour we play together for five to ten minutes.


During the time, someone cook for lunch and we had our lunch at around 1.00 Pm or 2.00 Pm. After my lunch I try to practice my computer skill for typing, drawing and watching old movies. Around 5.00 Pm, I get showered and we all prepare to park. I try to push my wheelchair and my son play with his push car around the running track.


My helper get brilliant idea and she tight with the rope on my son push car and puling around. I warn her not to pull so fast because it can fall over and can injured. One day pulling rope was forget to bring and my helper push from behind for the push-car around the running track. She need to band-down and use her force to push, after getting a little bit of speed she herself trip and fall with my son.


Her hand was badly sketches and my son was on his face. My heart was pain for how my son suffer and I feel sorry for him. My helper was scare for her mistake and panics, but told her not to worry about for the incident and ask her to go home for her to get medicine treatment. During on our way home, my son was sit on me and stop crying.


After we have wash the wound everything settle down and we prepare for our dinner. My son was very funny, when he saw his wound he cried again for until next day. And also he don’t want to play with his push car for awhile.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)


Your baby is endearing.

Good to hear you are getting stronger every day. Keep up the good work.
Sorry to hear that your son had a fall. Luckily, it's not too serious. But he is still young and will get over it soon.
Take care and keep well.

yah bro, it's just playing accident...

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