Everyone Deserves Respect.....

in #llife6 years ago

Continue from... (We Always Have Memory.....)

When our life are always move on, my wife need to go back to our house when something has happen at our mother land Myanmar. Because I cannot go back and settle most of the issue, so she need to go back herself and handle everything for our family issue.

In our country in Myanmar, most of the issue will handle by man and most of the women who become house wife after they get married although they have study very high. Normally they will take care of house hold issue and kid’s issue.

For the man, they will handle most of the income issue and straggle to get good income for the family and communicate with outside world. When women are involved in this kind of issue, most of the man are not really giving respect to women. If women are handling all this kind of issue, it can be lack of information to get from the networking system.

Because of most of the case are handle by man and mostly they only connect each other at coffee shop or other place. If women are try to make friend with them and always aground with them, other women will start to gossip all the negative story and the women become need to face with women's propaganda around the neighbour.

As for me as disable person, they also not really respect because we all have limited access for moving around the place to place. Most of the place are not disable friendly and to go to offices or visiting the other place is mostly impossible. So as for me also, to connect with people are become more difficult than my wife.

When people are knowing about our family issue, they might not give respect and even they are looking for a chance to take advantage from us for them to get benefit. Don’t think of getting help because of my conditions from other, we need to be extra ordinary to suit with environment.

But nowadays some educated people are not really like this anymore but our country need to learn to give respect for what is life. And also need to improve our infrastructure to suit all kind of people who living around. This is not to be easy task for the nation yet we need to start from something.

Especially we need to change our mind set to respect each other and love one another.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)


good writing . bro

thank you sis.

well said.. and good observation... that is why education is important... it eliminates discrimination and things are based on facts rather than preconception of old ideas

but old people are around us, when our time come, we also need to be ready for accept. to get to do this we need to upgrade every day.

sometimes knowledge distribution is restricted due to prevailing laws. thats why there are activists who pushes law change, only law changes can result in more education for the misinformed.. and discrimination can be minimized.

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