Cannot Run Away.....

in #llife6 years ago

Continue from... (Someplace I Cannot Go.....)

At the same time, I need to change my catheter every two week regularly. Every two week nurse from home nursing foundation give me visit my house. When she visit me I need to give 25 dollars for her service and one size 16 catheter and catheter changing set. Sometime she cannot come on time and sometime she ask me to change the catheter before due date. Because her schedule is full on date of due.

When my catheter was block, if I called them for help me to visit my house they always cannot attend and suggest me to go hospital emergency service to change my catheter. So when I need urgently to change my catheter I need to rush down to hospital. Home nursing foundation is not attend any urgent matter and only run office hours 9.00 Am to 4.00 Pm.

After changing for quarter year, the price increase 10 dollars for every nurse visit my house. One thing that I am happy about my self is I become Guinea pig for them to try to change my catheter of Suprapubic cystostomy (SPC). Each new nurse came and try to get experience and yet I still need to pay for their visit.

This is called patient life and every healthcare person want to try new thing to gain experience. Especially those doctor are more keen to try with their concern beginning from softer dosages. Because human body are sensitive and cannot apply same formula for every person. If dosages going to wrong or not effect they will try with other option.

Patients are mostly suffer when they predict wrong and still need to cover their fees for what other person’s mistake. So we need to be very careful who you choose to consults for your issue. If not we need to pay for him to gain his or her experience.

Even if I have urinary tract infection (UTI), each of the time the medicine is not the same for each time. Because of different bacteria in my urine. We need to test for urine culture to know to get correct medicine. So we also cannot blame no one.

To continue my stories with home nursing founding, they increase the price slowly a bit by bit and I become start to frustrate. Every time when I change my catheter I need to spend about $100 for every visit. But I don’t have other option and I still need their service.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)


I feel for you. The medical fees must be quite worrying. But what to do, but take each day at a time and hope for the best. Take care.

yes bro, thank you for your concern. in Singapore we use to said, we can die we cannot sick.

I am understand your feeling. fighting bro.

pray for me when you remember me.

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